My Sensual Playmate

Monk Rasputin's Avatar
Dear Elisabeth and members of the Realm,

I wish to introduce you to a playmate of mine who likes to play at edge with me from time to time. She’s a strikingly beautiful woman, bright and articulate, principled and strong. She’s also sexually adventuresome. These will give you a hint.

It took us a long time to build the trust and confidence necessary for this kind of play. That, and a real respect for each other and each other’s limits. She’s one of the most extraordinary women I know, in or out of the hobby.

Please welcome her to our corner of the demimonde.

AidanRedd's Avatar
She’s one of the most extraordinary women I know, in or out of the hobby.
Originally Posted by Monk Rasputin

Tell us something we don't know.
Shackle's Avatar
Monk you are very lucky to have such an extraordinary playmate.
Sir Monk,
Welcome she is. It is my opinion that superlatives don't exist that even begin to describe this particular lady! I envy you and your experiences with her.

toulmin's Avatar
Man, just looking at her makes me want to set up another session. No other like her that I know of. Thanks, Monk.
AidanRedd's Avatar
Monk's top 10 list, everyone should see each of them at least once. You can't go wrong with any of them. He has the best taste. I just tell the newbies to see Monk's top 10 and they will be in heaven.
ezman's Avatar
  • ezman
  • 07-19-2010, 08:25 AM
Even without the chains or straps, Sophia is one FINE specimen.
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Um... gosh... *blush*

Thanks guys. As Monk said, I don't play this way with everyone... but sure have had a good time exploring.
DallasRain's Avatar
mmmmmm thats HOT!!!!!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

What can I say? Once again, you amaze me. And Sophie has always struck me as a remarkable woman. This goes just one more step in proving it to be so.

Thanks for sharing!

Monk Rasputin's Avatar
Monk's top 10 list, everyone should see each of them at least once. You can't go wrong with any of them. He has the best taste. I just tell the newbies to see Monk's top 10 and they will be in heaven. Originally Posted by AidanRedd
Thank you Aidan, for the kind words. Another way to get to heaven, of course, would be see Sophia ten times. That would get you to heaven ten times. We might meet each other coming and going.

Here’s one more image from our “torn and shredded” date.

And, lest anyone get the wrong idea, Sophia and I do enjoy playing “vanilla” at times. She’s luscious. And louche.


houston_switch's Avatar
Beautiful... and welcome