
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

Intersex Society of America. For the record, I've always had my doubts about hermaphrodites and how real all of this is. I've actually sought out porn sites that features this condition (alright, years ago, I'll admit) and it always seemed fake to me.

What are your thoughts? Do you find the concept erotic?

For the record, this is a sensative subject but one that seems to be filled with misconceptions (I'm guilty of this) and filled with individuals who have suffered as a result of having a very difficult condition to comprehend and live with.

When I first thought about it, I thought of the definition with regard to myth, a person with fully functional male and female sexual organs. We now know this is not feasable.

What are some of your thoughts about this subject?

AidanRedd's Avatar
I have seen some hermaphrodite porn at the adult megaplexx on the shelf. The actor/actresses looked pretty ugly on the cover.

But I would still bang a hermaphrodite if ever given the chance if not for any other reason but to mark it off my list. You know the ol "try anything once, twice if ya like it".

I'd fuck the hell out of Jamie Lee Curtis. I'd fuck her, and then if her cock actually could get hard, have her fuck me. I'd feed her a blue pill and see if need be.
MacTheKnife's Avatar
I'd fuck the hell out of Jamie Lee Curtis. I'd fuck her, and then if her cock actually could get hard, have her fuck me. I'd feed her a blue pill and see if need be. Originally Posted by AidanRedd
Wicket's Avatar
I can remember doing the same thing, that is looking for some hermaphrodite porn. The one I remember finding, the actor/actress was really hot. He/She was actually able to get it up for some threesome action with another actor and actress.
Oh my god Elisabeth I am writing a paper on intersex right now for my human sexuality class! I'm running out the door or I'd post more info on what I've learned so far

great post you're so smart!
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 07-20-2010, 01:38 AM
Can't wait for Jamie's input. I have heard that children with "ambiguous" genitalia are pretty common, a decision is usually at that stage which genitalia to keep. Which takes me back to the TS thread, if nature can't get this right what is to say that a child is born with external male genitalia but hard wired as a female? It would seem that there is a greater chance than zero that this is perhaps not common but then not rare.