Happy Birthday, Elvis

yeesh's Avatar
  • yeesh
  • 01-08-2010, 12:19 PM
Man...You would have been 75 years old today...

In spite of the turns your life took during the '70s, I'll always think of you as the young menace that made the girls "scream n' cream" during the dawn of rock n' roll...As John Lennon himself said, "Before Elvis, there was nothing"...

Keep on Takin' Care of Business", king!
Kudos to the King! Elvis ain't dead, he just went home!
I FOR SURE saw Elvis today at a Best Buy.........As I was getting my camera phone settings changed to get a higher resolution picture.............he left the building.
When I was in college there was a Elvis impersonator working at this burger joint right down the street from my dorm. He would sing parts of your order, dance a little bit at odd intervals and if you called him Elvis, Mr. Presley or the King he would curl his lip, and say "Thank ya, thank ya very much."

The food was so so, but we used to go there all the time just to see that guy. It was a fast food chain, and he wore the uniform, but he always had the collar turned up with his trademark Elvis hair and a big, gold chain that said "The King."
rekcaSxT's Avatar
A couple years ago I was at a birthday party. It was catered and they had a hired bartender. Late in the evening the b-day girl's brother-in-law came out dressed as Elvis.

He fired up the Karaoke machine and tortured us with an hour of tone deaf renditions of Elvis songs. But this guy had the jumpsuit and everything. He was "in character" as long as he had the suit on. He claimed to know EVERYTHING about Elvis, and even called himself one of the "good" Elvis impersonators. It gave me a great laugh. A bit later he had a drink in his hand, and I remarked that the King didn't drink. He got kinda pissed at me and said that Elvis did drink a little.

I will never forget that night, and all of the raised eyebrow looks from people when he would try to hit the high notes.

My family has always told me we are related to Elvis. I have always been a fan. I wish his life had taken a different direction near the end.
gman44's Avatar

TGFBI, Is that from men in black?
G-Man, yes it is. Elvis had the best voice EVER! The Babe Ruth of the music industry, the best there ever was, is, or will be.