The healthiest breakfast

LovingKayla's Avatar
Recent studies have shown blowjobs are the healthiest breakfast, as it comes with a sausage, two nuts and a protein shot.

Stay healthy girls!!! Suck a dick!!!

Peace out. And a very good memorial day weekend to you all!!!!
I like this breakfast idea.....yummmmmm!!!!
I'm telling all my
daty/o's Avatar
Do vienna sausages count?
I like the Idea. Yummy!
pyramider's Avatar
My 1.3" of dangling death is at the ready to help the ladies start the day the right way.
Roguejet's Avatar
I'll feed you if I can nibble on your love waffle - not quite the protein packed meal you'd get, but, hey, they don't call it the breakfast of champions for nothin!
Kayla, next time you're in my area, stop by for an "order to go". It's not safe to drive on an empty tummy! Lol
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Gonzo serving at any hour.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Words to live by!
Early2riser's Avatar
That's why every mealtime should include breakfast. Best meal to start your day and hard to disagree with Kayla's logic. Hope to deliver some breakfast today....
Not that better then my strawberries and bannana in the moring....

Might be a good yummmy shake???
roaringfork's Avatar
Most ladies evidently need to be told: nothing has any nutritional value unless you're willing to swallow it.
tsrv4me's Avatar
Hell ...and I thought a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios and a sliced banana was good .......BOY was Wrong ......a nice sweet pussy is even better to eat ...