OK How the heck can I buy a car.... I don't have a checkstub or a w-2.

I am totally at a loss on ideas. I have checked everywhere and I can't get a car loan because I don't have a "JOB" I can't even get a used tempo financed without employment varification. UGHHHH We all know that the money is good and the payments will be a breeze. That doesn't count for much when you tell the salesman " Oh yeah I have a great job making 200 an hour plus added perks and a great retirement plan. LOL Can somebody help me out here. Surely there is at least one car lot owner or loan officer that is reading this and feelin' my pain and aggravation!!! PM me or call me if you can lend some insight. Thanks everybody,,,,,,Ya are the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
There are a few topics on this in the ladies-only area and other areas of Eccie along with some examples of suggestions of things to do.

Perhaps someone with a bit more time will provide a link? Or ... do a search?

Good luck,
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  • CJ7
  • 05-30-2013, 02:56 PM
the pitfalls of Hookerdom
Cash works for me. From Pretty Woman.
LexusLover's Avatar
... I have a great job making 200 an hour .... Originally Posted by carmenrider
$200 an hour x 40 hours a week = $8,000 a week or $416,000 a year.

Seems like you could put back some $$ for a month ...

..... and buy a decent 2014 ride.They'll be out soon.

Or pick up a fantastic deal on a 2013 with a cash discount too!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
$200 an hour x 40 hours a week = $8,000 a week or $416,000 a year.

Seems like you could put back some $$ for a month ...

..... and buy a decent 2014 ride.They'll be out soon.

Or pick up a fantastic deal on a 2013 with a cash discount too! Originally Posted by LexusLover
You have absolutely NO idea how this business works if you think the above has any source in reality. I'm not suggesting that there are a few of us who do not clear $8,000 + a week (I'm not in that exclusive club) but generally, that equation is completely wrong.

Saving money is always a good idea, though.
LexusLover's Avatar
You have absolutely NO idea how this business works ... Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
"this business" ...

I was using her post and her figures. And ....

.... FYI I was probably familiar with "the business" before you were born.

Back then it was $25 an hour for a gorgeous young lady in an incall.

But that is really not the point of this thread, now is it?

Let's say I'm a used car dealer (or a manager/owner at a dealership) and I bit on the inquiry ... she comes in and I cut her a fantastic deal on a vehicle (of her choice that she feels "comfortable" being seen in as a "successful" business owner in "the business") ... secure the financing with NO JOB INFORMATION, NO RESIDENCE INFORMATION, AND probably NOT LEGITIMATE IDENTIFICATION, AND NO TAX RETURNS for the last 4-5 years ... (which would require my signature as a personal guarantor) ... and she drives off with the vehicle ..... $500 a month in payments. plus insurance of another $200 a month.

Guess who makes the payments!!! And NO QUID PRO QUO!

Now .. tell me again ... I don't know how "this business works"!!!

As for saving money .. I can see it would be difficult with 5 reviews under her belt in the past 8 months, which totals about $1,000.... that's 1 and 1/2 months in payments.

Now .. tell me again ... I don't know how "this business works"!!!
  • jmm
  • 06-02-2013, 08:13 AM
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LexusLover's Avatar
Yea, that too.
Just list CuteOldGuy as a reference. That should help.
LexusLover's Avatar
Just list CuteOldGuy as a guarantor. That should help. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Fixed it.
Hi and thanks for the input i know it should be easy to save money and probably would be but since my dad died recently i have to pay the bills on two houses and the rent for my son . i don't see many ppl at this time because i have had to much going on to have time. i guess i know what needs to be done so i better get busy. : ) thanks again
Welcome to the Real World. And guess what. It's not going to get any easier.

In todays computerized world, there is a paper trail on EVERYTHING.

There are used car lots in Houston that will sell you a car if you are willing to put 50 percent of the value down as a down payment. They mainly deal with illegal immigrant population.

Be prepared to end up paying about $18,000 for a $4000 car when it's all over with.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-04-2013, 02:38 PM
Welcome to the Real World. And guess what. It's not going to get any easier.

In todays computerized world, there is a paper trail on EVERYTHING.

There are used car lots in Houston that will sell you a car if you are willing to put 50 percent of the value down as a down payment. They mainly deal with illegal immigrant population.

Be prepared to end up paying about $18,000 for a $4000 car when it's all over with. Originally Posted by Jackie S

yeah, note lots

also be prepared to have your ride repo'd if a payment is 30 minutes late. + the repo fee AND the payment to get your keys back

If you gotta, you gotta, ... just be ready for anything