This one is of Obama meeting with advisers for "hurricane preparedness"........

Where the fuck is the picture of Obama in the situation room while Americans were being slaughtered by Jhiadi's in Benghazi ?

Americans died and Obama lied !

On a side note:

State Dept. Report Lists 6 Terror Attacks Last Year in Benghazi Before 9/11 Attack
Straight from the National Enquirer ???
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No matter what happens, you can always depend on EvaEkim to defend Obama. No matter what. A true Obamaton.
No matter what happens, you can always depend on EvaEkim to defend Obama. No matter what. A true Obamaton. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

You can always depend on Hanoi Jane to misconstrue most of the replies I make to a thread. If you can't understand STFU.
You can always depend on Hanoi Jane to misconstrue most of the replies I make to a thread. If you can't understand STFU. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Give him a break, will ya. If Hanoi James limited himself only to topics that he is capable of understanding, he would never have an opportunity to express himself anywhere other than a Pre K setting.
I think it is becoming pretty obvious that the reason President Obama was 'absent' from the Benghazi situation is he was getting some much needed rest for the big fund raising speech in Las Vegas the next day.

It is one of those unfortunate times when actually being President would have got in the way of what is really important, constant campaigning, and fundraising.
Texas Playboy's Avatar
Jackie you are so right about that. Seriously, I do not know if, pressed, I could come up with one single situation in which Obama put aside politicking and made a difficult leadership decision.

He is what happens when you put a pure left wing ideologue in there. I wouldn't have voted for Hillary either, but there would have been times when she would have made tough decisions in order to get members of both parties on board an action that was needed.

This guy never so much as ran a taco stand in his life. No big surprise that he has no idea how to run a government.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-01-2013, 08:52 AM
Jackie you are so right about that. Seriously, I do not know if, pressed, I could come up with one single situation in which Obama put aside politicking and made a difficult leadership decision.

He is what happens when you put a pure left wing ideologue in there. I wouldn't have voted for Hillary either, but there would have been times when she would have made tough decisions in order to get members of both parties on board an action that was needed.

This guy never so much as ran a taco stand in his life. No big surprise that he has no idea how to run a government. Originally Posted by Texas Playboy

cant run a taco stand ... doesn't say much about the republicans does it?
NiceGuy53's Avatar
cant run a taco stand ... doesn't say much about the republicans does it? Originally Posted by CJ7

You got anymore Benghazi "timelines" you want to share with us. You know, the ones that show that Odumbo deployed special forces to Benghazi on the night of the attacks.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-01-2013, 03:29 PM
as stated , he cant run a taco stand what do you expect? a republican to beat him in a general election?

naaaaaa, the idiots couldn't find one ... twice !!


you wanna comment on that sport?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-01-2013, 03:44 PM
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  • Doove
  • 06-01-2013, 03:48 PM
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-01-2013, 03:49 PM
after kindergarten class got through with him

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-01-2013, 03:57 PM
after kindergarten class got through with him Originally Posted by CJ7
Or a peanut.

NiceGuy53's Avatar
You fuckers always got to bring W into it. FYI, W won the Presidency twice, just like Obumbo did. So WTF is your point?