Yahoo Mail Changes Scanning Contents

I realize this is a change in service, but is this different than gmail?
It is the same as Google or close to it. What are the options for more private email?
cyborg's Avatar
Please understand the tone I intend here is not meant to be offensive when I say...

This is, in every way possible, completely irrelevant. Yahoo mail is about as private as gmail, which is about as private as a bird cage. If you want private email, create yourself a little vps and make yourself some email addys on it. Only use the G or Y crapmails if you utterly couldn't care less if someone got their way into them.

For instance:

When I am going to DDoS someone, I may harass/terrorize using a throw-away gmail account that I proxy up for. However, if I am going to send an email to my dog (who loves to check his email), I would use my own server setup.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. But talking about Yahoo's change in policy for new email standards? No. Just no.
That doesn't sound offensive at all.

If the information is on server space somebody else owns, it makes sense it's not secure, no matter who the carrier is.
I was thinking (as there is (almost) nothing that is really secure) that changes in the amount of monitoring, intrusion, etc, might change the risk profile.
cyborg's Avatar
Nah, not really. I mean, there in Jun '12, there were roughly 425 million Gmail accounts around the time they changed up their supposed 'monitoring'. Nothing really changed.

The same will go for this Yahoo craziness. They'll inconvenience some folks with having to adjust to the new way of checking their email. No more or fewer intrusions will occur, no mass spam lists will suddenly spring up. Nothing will happen.

If I wanted to crack a Ymail account, I'd still have to load the same dictionary and spend the same amount of time getting in. There's really nothing here worth batting an eyelid at in that change of policy. I'd still use it for a throwaway email address and not break a sweat. Yahoo has, and likely always will have XSS vulnerabilities which will result in an easy hacking of the account, but you have to remember the motivation behind those taking them over:

They aren't out there to bust you or slander you for hobbying. They're out there trying to build their botnets or spread spam. So if you are just using this as a hobby account, and you view it as a throwaway, this is no big deal in the least.
  • Coupe
  • 06-07-2013, 08:56 AM
Cyborg, I completely agree that this policy change will make little difference. There will be one less user though, me.. I used one for a limited purpose. It is closed now. There are throw away services out there. I use them when needed. VPN's are the way to go, not a commercial service, set up your own. I have two in different parts of the world. If need be I route one through the other. Each one will bounce around from 5 to 20 servers (or private unsecured computer owned by sheeple.)

Who knows what govt. can and will do and who might leak to some nefarious person who decides to blackmail or otherwise coerce another.

Sadly America today is a place where you can trust no one, not even the verified.
cyborg's Avatar
Cyborg, I completely agree that this policy change will make little difference. There will be one less user though, me.. I used one for a limited purpose. It is closed now. There are throw away services out there. I use them when needed. VPN's are the way to go, not a commercial service, set up your own. I have two in different parts of the world. If need be I route one through the other. Each one will bounce around from 5 to 20 servers (or private unsecured computer owned by sheeple.)

Who knows what govt. can and will do and who might leak to some nefarious person who decides to blackmail or otherwise coerce another.

Sadly America today is a place where you can trust no one, not even the verified. Originally Posted by Coupe
I am convinced by this man's post that he is in fact Gandalf. This is pure wizardry, and I hope you all learn from it. +1
  • Coupe
  • 06-07-2013, 05:36 PM
Me? Gandolf? No. I'm just a good person to know, and a much worse person to piss off