A Question for THE DANNIE and Other Ladies

Randy4Candy's Avatar
OK, so I was at an event last week that didn't happen along with several people who weren't there and in this non-event, The Dannie was standing around talking with one of my hobby buds (that would be mrmr) when I walked by and she said to him with a big ol' shit-eatin' grin, "There goes R4C, he's another MAN-WHORE just like you..."

Well, I'd like to think it was a compliment , and I think it was. Soooo, this brings up the question for her as well any other ladies who'd like to respond:

What the Hell's a Man-Whore?!?

I think I have an idea but I'd like to know how far off base I am and whether or not I'm going to get picked off?
If I said that, which I did not, because I was never at this event that never happened...but if I had been there and said that, it was a compliment!

All my ATF's are man whores. It just means they like a lot of variety, but I like men who like women of all types. It shows me that they are open minded, and to me, that's an incredibly attractive quality.

R4C, next time I will reference you as "slut puppy" if you are more comfortable with that. Not that I ever called you a man whore to begin with. This is all just hypothetical, of course.

MRMR has been slacking in his whoredom. I hope he will fix that and go see the lovely young lady that I did not introduce him to at this function that did not occur.
Surge's Avatar
  • Surge
  • 07-22-2010, 04:03 PM
Randy: I think i would like to know that answer as well, of course, having as many reviews as i do, probably already defines my verion of man whore...LOL
I wasn't gonna name names, but since you volunteered.........

Surge, you are the first one to pop into my head when I think "man whore"!

You should all embrace the term! It's a good thing.

Surge's Avatar
  • Surge
  • 07-22-2010, 04:19 PM
I wasn't gonna name names, but since you volunteered.........

Surge, you are the first one to pop into my head when I think "man whore"!

You should all embrace the term! It's a good thing.

Originally Posted by Dannie

if it fits, by all means...

I've never backed away from it, but I'm pretty sure reguardless of the definition, my name will pretty much be on all list for "man-whore", "slut-puppy", what have you...

It doesnt bother me...in the words of Popeye the sailor...

"I am what I am..."

Randy4Candy's Avatar
Whew...!!! I thought there for a moment I'd have to keep one eye open behind me....
DFK Hunter's Avatar
Whew...!!! I thought there for a moment I'd have to keep one eye open behind me.... Originally Posted by Randy4Candy

Now I have to clean my screen...
i need a man whore
I was ready to make a very clever Dick the Man Whore post then Jade made her request and my brain went dead for some reason...
The man who posted above me is the man that the term should have originated from. He is the original man whore! Watch and take notes, fellas!

Jade, I have a list of them. PM me for more info, LOL!!
TrulySummer's Avatar
Dannie, you are stealing my term that I affectionally use for two great men in my life. Wait I just call them WHORES and ask who their next victims (uumm mean lucky ladies) they are going to see.

I believe you are on both of thier short list. WHORE 1 (TGO) talks about you all the time. He just needs to stay in town long enough to make you a victim. And WHORE 2 (LH) just needs to getridone. I know WHORE2 (LH) had just as much fun as I did getting to kiss you at a certain SC...

Well maybe, I had more fun than LH kissing you.

Now back to the original thread, being called a man whore is a good thing in my book. You do not always have to beat your chest for everyone to know it either. Then other times you do need to let everyone know you are the shit (Surge)...

WTF is up with whore #1? LOL! He is in town for approximately 3 days a month!! At this rate it will be another 4 years before I get laid by him!!

As for whore #2...He has been a very busy bee lately!! What the Hell are you putting in his drinks, woman?! Geezus, it's like he is trying to catch up to Surge!

I had a great time kissing everyone! I am the original kissing bandit! Often imitated, never duplicated (*ahem, CanDo01!)

I lubs all of you whores.....You are all special in your own trashy, slutty ways!
High volume, low morals...that's my preference

(Dammit! Remind me to call that goth chick that was giving me all those 'extras'! Holy shit I love that club !! IF I had ever been there with ya'll...which I have not....)
TheGiftedOne's Avatar
Dannie, I am in town 4 days a month, thank you very much!
lilsmurf's Avatar
Man whore?
Fiero's Avatar
  • Fiero
  • 07-23-2010, 06:36 AM
Sounds like better stuff happens at the events that never happened than happens at many happenings I've been to that did happen.

I love Popeye quotes...he also said, "Well Blow Me..." Maybe I SHOULD eat my spinach.