Malware In The Alerts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your Ebony Dream's Avatar
I am in the city of New Orleans & I would love to be able to access and read the alerts but every time I attempt to a malware screen pops up and states:

"content from, a known malware distributer, has been inserted on this page" ..... ect. ect.

1. Why is this happening?
2. Can you somehow stop from sending malware via eccie?

Thanks a lot.
Lea Madisson's Avatar
Send a copy of this in a PM to St C, and Chica Chaser (admin).


CarolinaGent's Avatar
Use ad-block add-on and it should block alot of the crap embedded in ads
Your Ebony Dream's Avatar
Thanks a bunch!!
annie@christophers's Avatar
That and a 9.99 a YEAR THANK YOU AGAIN!!!!!!! For stating what is soooooo obviously constantly happening Boo! When u get an ADULT site and get attacked daily (THIS OBVIOUSLY WOULDNT HAPPPEN TO YOU ) I HOWERVER CAN ONLY PULL MY SITE AND PAY TO FIX 3OR 4 TIMES A YEAR..PERIOD... P.S. what was your name again?? Oh yeah..Amber...well dear..Its a pleasure..xxoo annie. (ILL MAKE YA FAMOUS. LOL)