hump day hottie ml threAD would need pic's
mmmmm I should give up....... naaaaaaaaaa!!!!
in the spirit of
Question for photographers in upstate thread.
I would gladly take one for ya for free
Taint that sweet of me
[PRIVATE] bet answer is still

way in hell[PRIVATE]
errrr I never heard of a gal being ID'ed by taint

will be the answer, hay ya can't kill a guy for tryin [PRIVATE]
[PRIVATE]Hell ta pay yes [PRIVATE]
I bet yours is hot from your working out
edit add:
think of the ad value, and of guys that would want ta hump ya hump day afternoon from seeing your taint hump day morning. As I be sure your taint is as hot as your cleavage. They will line up

I got ta see her in person.
[PRIVATE]errrr she knows me to well, but tried charm anyways LOL[PRIVATE]
[PRIVATE]as she is a sweet lady, errr till ya cross her. then sweet again. she will be a lady to the end and give me a NO, any bets?[PRIVATE]