Our interventionist foreign policy is the gift that keeps on giving. Is there any Middle Eastern country that we haven’t screwed up yet? Oh yeah – Iran. Give Obama and McCain time. That will be the clusterfuck that destroys the world.

More here.....
Obama 2011: Mubarak Must Go; Obama Today: ‘It’s not our job to choose who Egypt’s leaders are’
The military just stepped in and kicked Morsy and the Muslim Brotherhood out, will be interesting to see what Obama has to say about it. Well, it is being reported by CNN, hell it could all be made up, we'll see.
The military is the single best institution to guarantee a western-style liberal democracy that respects minority rights.....

Otherwise, most of the street protesters are to the right of Morsy and the Muslim Brotherhood....they are even more Islamic....their beef with Morsy is the rampant corruption; the protests have little to do with human/civil rights.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You noticed that? Our media hasn't picked up on it yet and Obama is out of the country. As much as he likes a hot mike, it's strange that he hasn't made a statement or that the press has asked the question. When is it our turn?
Otherwise, most of the street protesters are to the right of Morsy and the Muslim Brotherhood....they are even more Islamic....their beef with Morsy is the rampant corruption; the protests have little to do with human/civil rights. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Explain? Who do you mean by "they" in "they are even more Islamic"?
Islamic supremacism and its sharia system are more popular in Egypt than the Muslim Brotherhood.

In Egypt, the Brotherhood is more established, mainstream and organized. It is popular with about a third of Egyptians, though this waxes and wanes. The Salafist groups – some of which are emerging as political wings of longtime jihadist organizations like Egyptian Islamic Jihad and the Islamic Group (Gama’at al-Islamia) – are less well-established, less politically polished, and more extreme in their interpretation of and demand for sharia. In the parliamentary elections, they grabbed an impressive 25 percent of the vote, and they were instrumental in the runaway approval of the new sharia constitution. Their orientation is not pro western. They are not our friends. They have the political momentum in Egypt right now !

That is who is in the Streets of Cairo.

Read more about the factions that are in play here:

Islamic supremacism and its sharia system are more popular in Egypt than the Muslim Brotherhood.

In Egypt, the Brotherhood is more established, mainstream and organized. It is popular with about a third of Egyptians, though this waxes and wanes. The Salafist groups – some of which are emerging as political wings of longtime jihadist organizations like Egyptian Islamic Jihad and the Islamic Group (Gama’at al-Islamia) – are less well-established, less politically polished, and more extreme in their interpretation of and demand for sharia. In the parliamentary elections, they grabbed an impressive 25 percent of the vote, and they were instrumental in the runaway approval of the new sharia constitution. Their orientation is not pro western. They are not our friends. They have the political momentum in Egypt right now !

That is who is in the Streets of Cairo.

Read more about the factions that are in play here:

http://www.nationalreview.com/corner...rew-c-mccarthy Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I'd have to disagree based upon the number of women in the streets. I think most of the protestors in the street are against Sharia, but mostly pissed over the economics, but we'll see...
Merge this thread (which superceded the others) .

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