my third client just did a smash and dash...

  • !VI!
  • 07-07-2013, 01:09 PM
Hey everyone it's the Wulf Princess CJ

I just started my first client from eccie, just paid me and the as we finished he picked up his money and ran...

i have all of his information if needed, not sure if this is where i'm supposed to do it.

he said if you report me i'll post fake reviews about you... not sure what to do
Call his ass out. How much money was it?
That's crazy but clients are all the same.
Objectively detail the event and sent all information to one of the Moderators on duty.
Always put your money up and away before starting a session, find a stash spot somewhere in your room, that he cant see, like go in the restroom to get ready and hide it somewhere in there.
Rock'er's Avatar
Sorry this happened to you Wulf. I promise we aren't all asses. Be careful.
Epimetheus's Avatar
I'm sorry that happened to you Wulf_Princess. I hope the guy gets what he deserves.
Guest042715's Avatar
That's crazy but "NOT all" clients are the same. Originally Posted by twosweet
Fixed that for ya.

That sucks. Out him!
You know they have real stash spots like a can of Soda that looks like real soda can and has liquid in it but when you turn in upside down you can twist the can and it is open were you can stash up to 1000 if folded properly there about $50.00 and up but its worth it
Sorry for the unfortunate start, but don't let it discourage. Karma's a bitch!
Lookzfun61's Avatar
Sorry WG , acts of this nature have a ripple effect. Trust and safety go hand in hand when we involve ourselves thru intimate encounters. A provider being new plus always looking over her shoulder has to be quite a distraction ! One that's well founded yet sadly takes away from a level of comfort and security. All the above comments are great suggestions , and will hopefully deter a future incident . I believe in the mods and there ability to see this thru ! Take good care , and the very best to you . LLF61
Madeline Tze's Avatar
BLAST HIS ASS... but him making fake reviews will not stop you... if a guy wants to see you he will regardless of the review... and take this as a LESSON not as a DOWN FALL... this just teaches you how to be more cunning and this would make me pick better clients... that event that happened is unfortunate and basically he ROBBED you so BLAST HIS ASS. but his name out there so other women will not come in contact with him. THAT'S HOW YOU FIX THAT. he will have NO ONE to spend time with now because all the women will know... PUT HIS NAME OUT THERE.
Did you at least have an orgasm?
roxy28's Avatar
TELL it! We all wanna know... as providers we dont wanna run into anyone like this.... it does happen but that's why we have an alert forum ... and yes tell the mods too
mark77070's Avatar
I think a pre-emptive outing may escalate into a drama, but it's tough enough earning a provider's trust without an idiot spoiling it for the rest of us. Is there some rule against exposing the guy on eccie? Of course, all he has to do is change his handle and continue on with his wretched mode of behavior. Anyway, I recommend posting his name.