Activities list on P411???

smoothnsilky's Avatar
I am curious as to how many clients actually read the activities list on P411 because I get the impression that NO ONE DOES! Does it take up to much time to actually go through the list that a provider puts out there for you to read?

I have had to tell I don't know how many clients it's a big 'ol HELL NO on the stripper slide crap!!!! (GROSS!!!) And I am not submissive nor am I PSE!

It sure would ease a lot of issues if guys actually did some homework on a lady before going to see someone.

How much easier can it get??
TrailBlazer's Avatar
Check your PM's babe.
I always read the menu when looking at the ladies profile. There are a few specific things I'm looking for.....and when the lady lists them it helps.

I'll turn the question around.....I don't have a huge amount of reading in my client profile, but I do mention a few things that are important to me. Less than one quarter of the ladies I've contacted have bothered to look at my profile. Why don't the ladies take the time to learn about their customers?

Oh....and I agree with you:

Stripper Slide = how to get herpes without getting laid.
smoothnsilky's Avatar
I sure do wish that guys would put more info on their profiles too! I would love to know more about a potential client before seeing them. It helps tremendously! I, myself, prefer to meet with clients that are more to my liking and that are compatible with me. Makes for a much more enjoyable time!

I always read the menu when looking at the ladies profile. There are a few specific things I'm looking for.....and when the lady lists them it helps.

I'll turn the question around.....I don't have a huge amount of reading in my client profile, but I do mention a few things that are important to me. Less tha one quarter of the ladies I've contacted have bothered to look at my profile. Why don't the ladies take the time to learn about their customers.

Oh....and I agree with you:

Stripper Slide = how to get herpes without getting laid. Originally Posted by hgritstoo
thisguy23's Avatar
I read the list every time. It is a big factor when I am deciding who to see.
smoothnsilky's Avatar
That's great! It should be. Have you been let down at times or has it been great for you?

I read the list every time. It is a big factor when I am deciding who to see. Originally Posted by thisguy23
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-11-2013, 01:01 PM
I always read the activity list. It is one of many factors in whether I decide to write to a lady.

As to our profiles, the allowed space on a guy's profile is pretty limited. It seems to be much less space than on the ladies profiles. I know I wrote a few sentences and it chopped of the back of it.
thisguy23's Avatar
That's great! It should be. Have you been let down at times or has it been great for you? Originally Posted by smoothnsilky
Yes I have been let down. One time by old pics and once by photo shopped pics (very photo shopped). Then one time by upcharge.

I read reviews on these girls and nothing was mentioned about the pics or the upcharge one girl had over 150 reviews the other was the darling of the local board.

Made me so mad I refuse to do reviews.
sms918's Avatar
i look at eccie and p411 and whatever i can to tell me about a provider. i like p411 listing activities. more and more providers have their own website that list
their activities. maybe more private and safe? like you said it's better to know what your getting into rather than showing up blind, especially a new client/provider.
I think the only time I've been "let down" by it is when the lady had listed options/activities in her P411 profile (maybe hoping to seem more open, get more business, I don't know), and it turns out to be false ... and not just a YMMV thing, but truly an "I don't do that", even though the P411 profiles says she does.

Though, never had anything but the VERY BEST from you, Dawn!!

And, we need to go through that list again ... sometime soon!!

-- Gaulkin
Cpalmson's Avatar
It is a must read for me as it answers lots of question. It also opens up some points of discussion-- i.e. what type of role play. How submissive/dominant, etc. Also, it can present some questions. I've seen a couple of ladies who have a laundry list of activities but omit an activity you think she would offer. When I see this, I ask.
pyramider's Avatar
Odd I did not see taint tickling as a listed activity, what is that about?
Sometimes when a guy contacts you in that way, they are thinking with the wrong head. So if you get such request or questions. That should really answer your question as to whether to see that guy or not. Surely you been around long enough to know that "common sense....isn't really common at all".......So you will run across some idiots.......I'm just saying.
smoothnsilky's Avatar
I don't get such requests about stripper slides. Guys try to do it assuming I do that disgusting act!

I don't get asked if I do it or not. Or the other activities that I don't accommodate. I get surprised reactions when I say no. Do I look like I want to get an STD? Did STD's all of a sudden become cured? (And yes I know the risks of BBBJ. They are still hell of a lot lower than stripper slides and BBFS!!!)

So it is kinda late to turn down someone when they are already at your incall, the appointment has already started, and they attempt something on you that is not checked off on your list and they never asked about to begin with. And some doesn't begin to express the amount of clients that have tried these things.

Sometimes when a guy contacts you in that way, they are thinking with the wrong head. So if you get such request or questions. That should really answer your question as to whether to see that guy or not. Surely you been around long enough to know that "common sense....isn't really common at all".......So you will run across some idiots.......I'm just saying. Originally Posted by SOULMANIKE
gimme_that's Avatar
I like to see a fully completed p411 profile especially with activities.

What I hate is when ladies only check off the activities that are only general. If you check off GFE, PSE, ymmv......that's not enough info to know if an uncovered BJ is availiable....or kissing, etc. Just say your CBJ or not.....

I always confirm my favorite activites are availiable well before I arrive, and before solidifying the booking.