funky sensory deprivation device??

pmdelites's Avatar
i saw this the other day while checking out some stuff in new zealand [not hobby related] and thought "now, that's some serious shit!!"

it's no longer available, but this could be a real funky sensory deprivation device, even if it looks goofy.

here are a few other links for "wearable head nap pillow"
"did you know that power napping increases productivity by 34%?"
icansmile's Avatar
I think all of my giggling might affect the "mood" of the scene. Looks damn comfy though. It'd be great to wear on the Texas Giant at Six Flags.
I am always open to new sleep aides. Looks like that head pillow sold out. I would want one for clients and one for myself.

It may look weird but if it works why not.
mm-good's Avatar
...maybe some velcro cuffs up inside ...