Post your Exotic animal spirit!!!

OK heres an amusing fun idea...There's that saying if you could be an animal what would it be? So here's our chance post that pic of an exotic animal that describes yourself either in personality or a self pun on your physical looks.

As for me My animal spirit is this lil guy right here: Any ladies that know me here might see that uncanny resemblance
  • m2244
  • 07-28-2010, 04:55 PM
took a quiz lol way unexpected answer...

What animal would you be in the wild?
Your Result: Dolphin
Your warm spirit quells the warring hearts around you. You cope well and have many friends that look up to you. Help the world conquer evil. The stars will guide you to a great future.
Result Breakdown:
88% Dolphin
88% Badger
86% Raven
72% Falcon
66% Wild cat
40% Pit viper
32% Fox
Hmmmm...doesn't look as good as your showcase pics mary
I wanna take that quiz wtf!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Post your Exotic animal spirit!!! mmmmmmmm if it does not have to be exotic. Then I do this with every post. woof!! If you could see the grey in my beard. One would know that old dog is me. I found him on another board as a avatar, in the pick one list. Now he is the one I use on all boards that I post on.
So i took a quiz on google and it says I'm this cute little creature.

That's right, I'm an otter. Not really sure about this, I know I do not look like one what so ever, but after reading about why I am an all made sense )
  • m2244
  • 07-29-2010, 07:44 AM
lmao are you kidding me brooke an otter and a
Hey this otter and dolphin could take over the Rochester.... if not the world Guys would be lined up for days wanting some otter and dolphin loving. hahaha
  • m2244
  • 07-29-2010, 01:46 PM
very cant stop laughing though its just so funny
mmmmmmmm if it does not have to be exotic. Then I do this with every post. woof!! Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Nah, you can put cats and dogs but most people already have em as their avatars already so I just figured look for some real oddities. Like Emus or Platapus's Or in my case I took this shot of a ring tail at the Buffalo Zoo one day just "proudly showing off his junk" ... just made me laugh.
george79v's Avatar
This is me .. the resemblance is uncanny

That's creepier than mine lol

My quiz result:

Your spirit animal is the wolf. It is a ferocious companion, and a loyal friend. It is both a respectable and noble creature; to have this spirit animal says good things about you, and that you are starting to figure things out. Wolves are pretty rare spirit animals.

How delicious!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
what is the web-site being used?

There are tons if you google search it...that link is the top choice amongst many on a google search for "Animal Spirt Quiz"