Hope for the not so good looking guys


This article poses the theory that men who are average looking are better mates or partners for women who are above average hotties.

I especially like this part.

If nothing else, you may find that your not-so-pretty man brings his A-game in the bedroom. “What I've seen from my clinical practice is that women who are married to men less attractive than them often have happy sex lives most likely because their mate tries harder to please them sexually,” says Bethany Marshall, Ph.D., author of the book Deal Breakers. “And while there's no hard data to support the theory, it makes sense that if an unattractive man has to work harder than a handsome man to stay in his relationship, he must work just as hard in the bedroom.”

What do you think ladies? Wanna get it on with heavy balding guy? lol
TexRich's Avatar
how does this help with escorts?
It's just for fun discussion to get the ladies point of view. It may not help you bang one of them but does everything have to relate to that? Maybe it will help the cautious fat guy boost his ego and perform harder for the board hotties instead of being a chubby chaser (not that there's anything wrong with that).
I don't know how true that is...

I love a good beer gut man, tossing me around and folding me up. Just saying, they have the meat to handle me.
Buck up Jack, perhaps all is not lost.
I must be the greatest lover alive then :-)
TexRich's Avatar
It's just for fun discussion to get the ladies point of view. It may not help you bang one of them but does everything have to relate to that? Maybe it will help the cautious fat guy boost his ego and perform harder for the board hotties instead of being a chubby chaser (not that there's anything wrong with that). Originally Posted by Sawyer

perhaps sandlot would have been better place to put this, thats all. i.e., its really not hobby related.
I think I represent truth in that theory. My granddaddy told me "never date a man that thinks he's prettier than you" and I took that to heart. For some reason, I've never been very attracted to conventionally attractive men. I think it's their personalities. Give me an average guy that will be sweet to me and treat me like a princess over a good looking jerk who treats me like I'm lucky to be with him. But maybe I'm just strange. :P
OldGrump's Avatar
The fine print points out that the guys they are talking about are rich and powerful. Only my faithful dog puts me in that category. I still have my SO fooled most of the time.
I'm all about the big brain but if I had to choose between pretty and smart and average and smart, there's no contest. I'm just not attracted to pretty men. They usually know it and go from a "maybe" to a "PITA" in no time flat. Nope, give me the the average Joe who is heart-pounding, easy-on-the-eyes handsome where it counts.