Good article about the whole Travon Martin hoopla

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  • 07-21-2013, 10:06 PM

I thought it was well thought out. He makes some interesting points.

I thought it was well thought out. He makes some interesting points. Originally Posted by LNK
Yes, he makes some very good points, and tells the truth about the realities facing young black men.

But this is of no importance to the race baiters, poverty pimps, polititians, and major news outlets because it does not fit their agenda.
Good stuff.
Actually it is all about ratings CNN has Martian Fox has Obama.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Actually it is all about ratings CNN has Martian Fox has Obama. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
actually, it's about the black race not being its own worst enemy. let's face it, there is not one major race on this planet, not whites, blacks, hispanics, asians, native american indians, no one, that has a spotless record of racial solidarity within their own race.

who has arguably the worst record? in my opinion and by the tone of this article, the black race. this person is saying that as long as the black race embraces such stereotypes, then these perceptions will continue. This is why i consider Jesse Jackson a black racist, racist against his own race. if the black race had realized this decades ago, Jesse wouldn't have his beloved "pulpit" to run his mouth. The man actually wants the black race to continue to be its own worst enemy, so he has a "cause" to rattle his saber over. and the same goes for Obama. And his wife, and Holder.
Yes, he makes some very good points, and tells the truth about the realities facing young black men.

But this is of no importance to the race baiters, poverty pimps, polititians, and major news outlets because it does not fit their agenda. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Good lord. Has some right wing whacko taken out a patent on the terms "race-baiters" and "poverty pimps"? Jackie, you've morphed from a relatively reasonable person into a knuckle-dragging idiot.
actually, it's about the black race not being its own worst enemy. let's face it, there is not one major race on this planet, not whites, blacks, hispanics, asians, native american indians, no one, that has a spotless record of racial solidarity within their own race.

who has arguably the worst record? in my opinion and by the tone of this article, the black race. this person is saying that as long as the black race embraces such stereotypes, then these perceptions will continue. This is why i consider Jesse Jackson a black racist, racist against his own race. if the black race had realized this decades ago, Jesse wouldn't have his beloved "pulpit" to run his mouth. The man actually wants the black race to continue to be its own worst enemy, so he has a "cause" to rattle his saber over. and the same goes for Obama. And his wife, and Holder. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Fucking pathetic piece of vile shit.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Fucking pathetic piece of vile shit. Originally Posted by timpage
come on timmy, is that the BEST you can do? i really expected more from such an intellectual as yourself.

try harder libtard.

and whether you believe it or not, or even read the article, that WAS the article's point.

try harder libtard.

Wow there is a term to put him in his place as a name caller.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
It really is quite simple.
The only crime committed that night was committed by Trayvon Martin.

Imagine a civil conversation between two people such as:
Hey, why are you following me.
I am part of the neighbor hood watch and we have had a lot of burglaries and I saw you walking through the yards.
Yeah, I was trying to get out of the rain coming from the store and headed to my dad's house at whatever the location.
Oh, ok be careful we have had a lot of crime around here.
Thank you sir, I appreciate you looking out for people.
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  • 07-24-2013, 05:49 PM
It really is quite simple.
The only crime committed that night was committed by Trayvon Martin.

. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Only two people know what crimes (if any) that were committed that night. One is dead and the other ain't 2Dogs.

So pay no attention to 2Dogs, I think a parrot has logged onto his account.

Imagine a civil conversation between two people such as:
Hey, why are you following me.
I am part of the neighbor hood watch and we have had a lot of burglaries and I saw you walking through the yards.
Yeah, I was trying to get out of the rain coming from the store and headed to my dad's house at whatever the location.
Oh, ok be careful we have had a lot of crime around here.
Thank you sir, I appreciate you looking out for people. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
How about the 29 year old man, man up and be the one to start the conversation to defuse the situation?
JCM800's Avatar
It really is quite simple.
The only crime committed that night was committed by Trayvon Martin.

Imagine a civil conversation between two people such as:
Hey, why are you following me.
I am part of the neighbor hood watch and we have had a lot of burglaries and I saw you walking through the yards.
Yeah, I was trying to get out of the rain coming from the store and headed to my dad's house at whatever the location.
Oh, ok be careful we have had a lot of crime around here.
Thank you sir, I appreciate you looking out for people. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
or the "neighbor hood watch" guy could've just called it in and let the real cops deal with it.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Let me see, he was tried and found not guilty.
The evidence proved with out a doubt that Zimmerman acted in self defense.
I am sure that if it had been a white guy that jumped him and was beating on him, he would have defended himself in the same manner.
Assault and battery is a crime, following somebody acting in what appeared to be a suspicious manner or in any other manner is not a crime.
Once again, the only crime committed that night was committed by Trayvon Martin. The proof is int the verdict.

this whole thing was a setup for the media and they did not vet the case before trying to make it into something it was not.
Second section third page news in the local rag.
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  • 07-24-2013, 06:58 PM
Let me see, he was tried and found not guilty.
The evidence proved with out a doubt that Zimmerman acted in self defense.
I am sure that if it had been a white guy that jumped him and was beating on him, he would have defended himself in the same manner.
Assault and battery is a crime, following somebody acting in what appeared to be a suspicious manner or in any other manner is not a crime.
Once again, the only crime committed that night was committed by Trayvon Martin. The proof is int the verdict.

this whole thing was a setup for the media and they did not vet the case before trying to make it into something it was not.
Second section third page news in the local rag. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Pay no mind...2Dogs parrot is typing again.

You weren't there parrot, you think Martin committed a crime but you don't know , quit acting like you do.
Good lord. Has some right wing whacko taken out a patent on the terms "race-baiters" and "poverty pimps"? Jackie, you've morphed from a relatively reasonable person into a knuckle-dragging idiot. Originally Posted by timpage
On this issue, you simply have to call it the way it is. The majority of the so call "activist" who are out front on this are simply the same cast of race baiters and poverty pimps who make a living off of the ignorance of their followers.

They have no interest in improving race relations. That would not fit their financial aims.