A question about the airlines

  • Bliss
  • 07-30-2010, 03:18 PM
Okay, all of you in Memphis that fly often know that for some stupid reason it is one of the most expensive airports to fly in or out of. When I travel to Phoenix, I usually get one way because I don't want to have a time restraint for my return. I can rarely find a one way return ticket from Phx to Memphis less than 350 and sometimes as high as 650.......BUT........ i can get a one way ticket to Nashville or New Orleans that connects in Memphis for as low as 98 bucks. Usually I go with that option and just get off in Memphis.

My question.......Am I risking "red flagging" myself with homeland security and the airlines by doing this. I'm hoping someone with a little inside knowledge of the airlines might have some input. Thanks!
Nah, many people are doing just as you do. Especially if your going/coming the west of Memphis. Memphis and eastward is not as bad.

Northwest/Delta has a stranglehold on the Memphis airport, that's why fares are so high.
SlowHand49's Avatar
I sometimes drive to LR and fly Southwest to PHX, much better pricing for RT tickets. Pleasant small airport, too. But there is the parking fee -- and the drive, of course.
  • Bliss
  • 07-31-2010, 12:55 AM
Sometimes I do that too Slowhand. I sure wish SW would go to Memphis. Sometimes it is too hard to resist that 98 dollar ticket from Phx to Nashville or New Orleans though that connects in Memphis. Crazy airlines.
SlowHand49's Avatar
I'm going to have to look for that 98 dollar option, Bliss, never noticed that one before . . .

Getting SW here would be huge . . .

Prices out of Memphis are ridiculous, even booked early . . . can fly to Europe cheaper sometimes than across this country . . .
They nailed it Bliss. If it's not a Northwest flight check Nash for North & East and LR for West. Or wrap yourself in purple and orange, slap a shipping label on your ass and go FedEx.

Is the Betty Bus still running to LR guys? I paid like -$50 for a one way car rental to LR Bliss.
I don't fly much. But once I went one way and got red flagged. They sent me to another room and I was searched. I looked at them and said "Wow! I look that obvious huh?"...

It was because I went one way and booked my flight last minute...

That's America for ya!
SlowHand49's Avatar
A search shows the Bettie Bus is still running, but the rate is ridiculous, if what's posted at the link below is accurate -- $175 one way Mphs-LR for a single traveler! If there are three, it's $100 each, if there are five $70 each.


I am clearly in the wrong business . . .
London Rayne's Avatar
All you really need to do is get an LLC if you don't already have one. That will take care of the "why" you do things that way....it's for your "legit" business of course.

Personally, I hate every airline except Southwest. If I added up all the hours I spend in airports and stuck at hotels doing nothing, I would have an extra week per month of providing income. I can tell you this about U.S....do NOT connect in Charlotte past 6 p.m. because you can bet you will be stuck there all night. It's a little inside secret that they do on purpose not to fly out past 5. I fly 4 times a month so it's usually U.S. or Delta and they BOTH suck azz!

I almost got arrested on my last Delta flight out of ATL because they had us stuck in the hot plane for 2 hours and would not let you get up to go to the bathroom. I told the stew if she did not get out of my way I would go right on the floor and she could clean it up lol. The whole plane heard her tell me I could not go, and I said well you better have a damn good Attorney. 2 min. later another lady came to my seat and said, "The captain said you can go." I was like, "Yea that's what I thought" lol.

It is so much of a hassle to fly these days, and for some of us it's imperative to maximize our hobby time.