Article on being a stripper in a boomtown

Being a stripper in Williston, North Dakota

This is really well written. Something that the internet calls a "longform." So get ready for a longer read.

The stripper in question states in the article she received an English degree from the University of Texas (my alma mater, actually), and it shows. This is outstanding writing.

There's also some light jibes towards my fellow Texans, which gave a personal touch for me as well.

Any way, I found the whole thing an enjoyable read. Well written, about an interesting topic on any number of fronts. I don't completely agree with some of her thoughts on economics, but it doesn't take away from the article as a whole.

I highly recommend it.
TRIN's Avatar
  • TRIN
  • 07-26-2013, 02:53 PM
Two thumbs up.
It was very entertaining
Hey, MsPrittiKitti,

If you like documentaries, check out this one when it comes out. Should be very soon. Don't know what theater will be brave enough to screen it in San Antonio, but it should be interesting.

Blackfish - a documentary about killer whales that...well...kill people
Satsuma957's Avatar
nice article! thanks for sharing OP.
pyramider's Avatar

No mention of taint.