Wasting Time With Lies

I am not trying to add fuel to the fire but I have to defend myself and I also want to thank everyone who was there for me to today. I don handle stress well so it really helps with when friends call to offer support.

The problem with this critics review is that it is not true. I never saw him or hung out with him none of it happened. I would never put anyone down its not in my nature. Of course I can not see the rest of the story or comments so I will just say it if anyone has a problem with me then tell me, hiding behind a computer is sad just be straight forward and tell me otherwise I won get it and can fix it.

Also I heard Council Bluffs received some bad press, I am not involved in anything like that. I am a nice girl with some issues that just wants to live my life and not be harassed.

Hope everyone has a great night!
