Lately I have been looking to get back into it, I started out on CL and BP, set up some dates but never followed thru. My "spider sense" told me to leave each time I arrived at the meeting, maybe a couple people sitting in a car starring at me or a guy looking out another room window, again maybe I was being paranoid?
After studying reviews on this site for a while I registered. I registered on TOS as well. I decided that a reputable provider with reviews would provide me the reassurance to keep the appointment. I set up a meeting yesterday at a motel with a well reviewed provider. She was very nice and I felt comfortable. She checked in a couple times to see if I was still coming, she told me to let her know when I got close. I did not give notice that I was close, instead I pulled past the motel lot circled around the back of the motel. There I saw a marked local cop sitting behind some bushes watching the motel lot. I of course kept driving and told the provider that I had a change of heart and that I was very sorry.....
This is where my questions come in. First off I wanted to warn the provider of why I had left but I was afraid that if she was cooperating with LE then I could get in some kind of trouble??? paranoia??? Should I have warned her?
As I thought about what had happened I remembered the time I spent with Dawn, (amazon of Pittsburgh) a few years ago in her condo, Maybe I should be looking for a provider with a residence rather than a motel? Or maybe I should take this for a sign from above to give up on this hobby?
Maybe you guys could give me some advice or recommendations on who to try and see west of the city. Thanks.....