Show the board your sexy tanning pictures!

Just wanted to share some summer time pictures with the fella's......I am sure they would love to see yours too....
SweetAterPie's Avatar
Very nice, I think its time to flip.
daty/o's Avatar
Where have I seen that cute derriere? Oh, I remember.
tsrv4me's Avatar
love to see more .......but I do enjoy sexxy tan lines also .....
hot pic sabrina!!!!!

Thank you!
You should post a sexy tanning picture too.

time to flip over!!
SlowHand49's Avatar
Don't burn the bottoms of your feet!
Nice pic! * DROOOOL *
Thank you!

You should post a sexy tanning picture too.


Originally Posted by sabrina nicole

Well, Sabrina got to see the real thing on Sunday, but the rest of you will just have to get by on a photo:

My abs of steel overhang precludes any unsightly tan line.
Nitwitboy's Avatar
Sabrina, you can use my pool anytime you want.
Your so crazy!
TexRich's Avatar
I guess I must be going blind, I see you laying out and you are attractive, but I dont see much of a tan. but thanks for the nice view.
OK who followed me to the beach?

Well, Sabrina got to see the real thing on Sunday, but the rest of you will just have to get by on a photo:

My abs of steel overhang precludes any unsightly tan line. Originally Posted by eccienewbie
OK who followed me to the beach? Originally Posted by LuckJack
Don't be trying to take credit for my manly hotness. That's an actual photo of me. And, no, I'm not bald. I just shave it that way. Mohawks are passé, so I inverted it and wound up with that bad ass reverse mohawk. It's my trademark, so don't go trying to copy it like you just tried to lay claim to my buff physique. Go make some hotness of your own if you can, but leave mine alone. It took years to get into that kind of shape.