Size of Provider

Well being a guy of large size I kinda feel its time to some what mention about the growing trend to point out how big a lady is, when you really look at her pics she doesnt look any different.

Dont get me wrong, I understand weight gain and how a person can look very different with substantial weight gain or weight loss. But it seems lately we are giving the ladies crap for a few pounds. They are human and have feelings and as much as this is a business Im sure we can somewhat be better gentleman and not be so cuthroat about a few pounds.

Anyway Im sure there will be some backlash, but I just feel we need to lighten up a bit with the ladies with a few pounds gain.
For some people 5 pounds does make a difference it could be 5 pounds in their abdominal area or 5 pound in their back side. everyone carries weight in a different manner. maybe the reviewer felt like people should know it is a slight change in person.
I hope the provider feels better about herself she should NOT let one or two or anyone for that matter dictate how she should look.
A big part of this is the pictures are one of the few things we have to judge if we are attracted to a provider. If we base a large part of our choce on her picture and it is not accurate, then a person can feel a bit misled. While a few #s may not have any real effect, it also might be enough to affect our choices.

This is not dating. Most of us never meet the provider till we are face to face with our cloths off. This is an industry based in LARGE part upon appearence. We are buying fantisy much of the time. Sometimes, even a small change can make a huge difference. Fair? Maybe not all the time, but its the reality of the business.
Good point. A woman's weight can shift + or -, up to 10lbs from one day to the next and there's nothing she can do about it. Sometimes the guys are too harsh or just aren't as accurate a judge of weight as they think they are. In one of my reviews, and I'm not upset be this, a client stated that I'd recently lost some weight. When he was asked how much, the response was 10 to 15 lbs. In reality, I've lost a bit more than that, more than 30lbs so far. I know I have more to lose and it won't be so noticeable right away but dang.

Now, I'm only stating this to illustrate a point. Maybe he said that to keep my privacy intact, maybe he honestly didn't know but had noticed something, maybe he thought he was dead on. I don't really mind and he was such a nice visit.

I wish weight wasn't as important as it seems to be but some guys flip out over 5 lbs or a big lunch. I feel badly for some of the more impressionable girls. Thank you for being a gentleman. We'll add you to the "good guys" list
Very true Dharma,

Sometimes guys are so focused on everything being "perfect", they blow things out of proportion. I try to keep my mouth shut about things like weight unless I really feel its so bad, it would change an average guys choice. Heck, for me, many are too skinny :-)
Not sure what to say here, you make good points. As long as the providers are accurate things should be fine. Pics should show every angle. Front, back and side, that way there is no confusion. Now if the lady was sucking in her tummy, well what did she expect when the gent showed up.

The provider you saw should not feel bad. Especially if she represented herself honestly in her pics. Im glad you appreciated her. I know that made her feel special.

Hey Im big and love it, I let it all hang surprises with me, except my glasses and hair color.
Reviews should be written to help other guys determine who they want to spend there hard-earned money on. For a lot of guys, physical appearance is important. Information on a woman's body type is therefore a big benefit. As long as the reviewer is tactful. In the end it will benefit the provider by weeding out guys who might be disappointed in her appearance, leading to a sub-par review. $250 to $300 is a lot of money for some guys so it is understandable that guys want as much information as possible. It is also true that no matter a ladies body type, there will be guys who are attracted to them. Some guys comment when a lady lost weight and is now considered too skinny.

It is easy to determine who you are talking about. She is a very sweet lady. To her credit, she has begun posting one or two new pictures. Many providers would not have done that.
Thank you Kend61 for speaking on a touchy subject for providers and clients alike. I was not upset when it was stated that I had put on weight..because lord knows I am aware of I am upset at myself for allowing myself to gain the extra weight and it has nothing to do with my business and everything to do with my personal opinion of myself.

I am working on my weight issue because I am not pleased with it. I have always weighed between 95 (in my 20's) and 115. Now, well, I will just say I am neither of those. My gentlemen friends have never had an issue with it....I hobby love them so much!

Now, I just have to figure out how to tone up and keep my booty!

Kend61, thank you again and I am so happy to have met such a kind gentleman. You are absolutely the sweetest man!

Now, to the men who have nothing nice to say about ladies you aren't attracted to, who cares what you think? You won't ever walk through their door, so why be nasty?
If a lady isn't properly representing herself, then fine...makes complete sense to be upset if you aren't attracted, but 5 or 10lbs is easy to gain and much harder to lose. Cut us a break.

You know what, screw that guy who said whatever he said, I've seen your avatar with your booty in your jeans and I freaking love have a cute booty now!

I bet you gained alot of interest with your weight now.

Nevermind.........Reese you are fine!
daty/o's Avatar have a cute booty now!
I bet you gained alot of interest with your weight now.

Nevermind.........Reese you are fine! Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
Have not had the pleasure yet, but I'm sure the booty is to die for. What I do know is that Ms. Foster is an absolute killer as a brunette. IMHO.
Love you to death, Lisa!

Thank you, Esteve, I appreciate your compliment very much. The brunette hair is kind of growning on me....literally. Lol
  • Sunny
  • 08-08-2010, 11:34 PM
I have been tall and thin all of my life. over the past 2yrs I have added 10lbs. I'm thrilled with the results. I swim and spend lots of time walking.Nobody can say I look anorexic now.Boobs fuller, a little ass too. Size 5/6 is great. I'm 5'9. tossed out my size 1's.Reese come see me woman.
steverino50's Avatar
it has nothing to do with my business and everything to do with my personal opinion of myself. Originally Posted by reese foster
There you go asking the wrong people for an opinion!
berkleigh's Avatar
AMEN! Thanks babe for posting this!.....My weight goes up and down depending on stress. I am actually proud to say that I am happier with myself now than I have been in a long time. I also take tons of photos of myself and post them as well. Everyone of us ladies is beautiful in our own way and that's what makes us unique. Damn I sound like Hallmark lol
I love women with large natural boobs and that usually means a larger frame on a girl. So my proclivity always makes me more attracted to healthy girls. We have to remember our society has a bent for skinny young girls, watch any TV lately? So some guys come here with expectations of the young women they see in porn movies. When the real world hits them in the face, they are shocked when things don't live up to their fantasy.