Tips for getting the best experience from a L2 fbsm

I am just looking for some helpful hints to ensure that both the provider and I have the most enjoyable experience possible. I know the obvious to be respectful, well groomed and be clean, but just seeing if any providers or other hobbyists have any additional tips.

LazurusLong's Avatar
Show up freshly showered, pubic hair either shaved or trimmed very short.

NO cologne or anything on the groin.

WASH YOUR ASS and ASSHOLE with a damn wash cloth and a good soap. Nothing kills a great FBSM for most of the ladies like a stinky onion or worse smelly groin.

Bring the cash and don't haggle.
Guest062512's Avatar
Don't beg for L3 if the lady advertises no FS. and don't try and be cute and plop down a couple of Magnum to try and impress her into stretching her boundaries. First time with a lady, just let her do her thing and impress you. Later session, maybe you can improvise.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
i think that sums it all up let us take care of the rest

offering to return the favor and daty (if you're into it) is always nice as well
Clean hygiene and respect her boundaries, just as LazarusLong and Crossroads has said.
Nitwitboy's Avatar
Thread closed. Call Kayla. Seriously, and ask for the hot stones and prostate. Be nice as she is an angel. I promise you will not be let down.
yes to all that posted, you want to be respectful, friendly, bring a little gift to brake the ice, and be on time. you might mention once you have let the lady do her thing that you are in need of regular visits. just ask if she's interested. and don't forget the tip.
Clean, smell good. And treat the woman nice not like a piece of meat and you will win big time.
"WASH YOUR ASS and ASSHOLE with a damn wash cloth and a good soap. Nothing kills a great FBSM for most of the ladies like a stinky onion or worse smelly groin."

I wish I had the balls to say this exact phrase, out loud, everytime someone takes a half ass shower and thinks they are ready for playtime!!!

Well said Lazurus!

I really like the comment about not trying to get anything extra on the first visit. Sometimes on subsequent visits you may be able to get more, just depends upon the provider's situation and the YMMV factor.

Providers have their reasons for only going L1 or L2 and not full GFE. Sometimes its physical, sometimes it is emotional, but whatever it is don't pry too hard, with some ladies FS is just completely off limits and no amount of cash can change it.

All in all if you are well groomed and pleasant you should be able to maximize your L2 experince. Also being on time and leaving your donation in plain view helps, sometimes a guy will fan it out a bit so I can see that it is all there without having to pick it up, and that makes me SO much more comfortable, no matter what type of session we are having.
Talk to her like a normal person. Because you know what, she's just like anyone else. Be friendly but not in a stalker way and you'd be surprise how with absolute hygene that gets you extra mileage. For heavens sake if you had lunch and couldn't brush your teeth yet, have a piece of gum to pop in before you walk in. Even if you aren't going to kiss her, you are going to talk to her. LovingKayla was my first real hobby experience in Dallas and she taught me how YMMV works. Her advice has never failed me since.
If you want the best L2 FBSM do your homework first. Make a list of the providers who offer it and then read up on them. Ask the guys questions, send PM's to the men who have reviewed her. Then, see who you'd be most compatible with. Nothing kills a session like a lack of chemistry. If you like demure women but she's a dominatrix for example.

You can be clean, respectful, shaved (noone likes to look for a ball in the rough) and ready but if she's just not your type it's a waste of time.
Be courteous, clean and smelling like a hunk of man. Most men are surprised how much further a provider is willing to go into ensuring a special time together is remembered because they were simply neat, clean and polite. Plain and simple.
It really helps when you ladies have shower facilities. Unless it's a 9 or 10 AM session, after working all day a wet towel is just not the same as a shower.