P****** = pmckinnonlandman@xxxxxx.com = NCNS

Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Wednesday this guy books an appointment for 11:30am on Thursday.

He was very kind and polite when he booked the appointment. He claimed to live in Huntsville and was coming downtown for business on Thursday and wanted to get together … so he confirms the appointment and says he will be to my place at 11:30 on Thursday… well he NCNS’s … and now 24 hours later I still have not heard anything from him.

No call, no text, no email … nothing.

P***** ......... pmckinnonlandman@xxxxxxxxxxxx
DarthMaul's Avatar
NCNS's need to go in COED. I will move this one. Also his full first name was mentioned.
Did he have references or P411? I wonder how often someone sets a girl up. A provider or member who doesn't like her uses fake information to set up an appointment and then NCNS.
Wakeup's Avatar
Shouldn't you be in prison or something?
Did he have references or P411? I wonder how often someone sets a girl up. A provider or member who doesn't like her uses fake information to set up an appointment and then NCNS. Originally Posted by BFCjosh

Some local providers have been known to do that to visiting providers in order to give Houston a bad name so that providers won't visit us and therefore decrease the competition.

Brook wilde has been known to post all over the board what a terrible place Houston is for providers to visit.
oh my God that was 2 years ago in the midst of a bunch of drama.. I swear you guys can be such whiny pussies when you wanna be.
Wakeup's Avatar
The Interwebs lives forever...
She's also said plenty of times how great the guys are in Houston, and have kept some of them from getting scammed to boot, but.. you don't post that. Give it a rest already.
Wakeup's Avatar