Booking Time

!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
Hi Everybody,

It's me, Morgan. I want to know at what point it is ok to charge extra for time spent booking an appointment.

The vast majority of my clients are busy and know that I am busy myself so booking an appointment is done over a brief phone call or email exchange. However, rarely there is the client that wants to email or call/text back and forth for extended period for an hour long appointment. Between my website and reviews, all of your questions should be answered.

A little time spent to get a feel for a person is just fine, but taking up a lot of my time and yours is not. Do ya'll agree?
  • npita
  • 08-10-2010, 01:10 PM
A little time spent to get a feel for a person is just fine, but taking up a lot of my time and yours is not. Do ya'll agree? Originally Posted by EroticMorgan
If you think a client is wasting your time, don't talk to him.
No, its part of doing business. If you don't want to spend the time, then tell him no. Otherwise, you need to take however long is needed to satisfiy your customers concerns.
I would never want my clients to feel anything less than comfortable with me, so I understand that some want to "feel you out" on the phone prior to an appointment. However you gentlemen need to keep in mind that we are sometimes getting a million calls per day, and although we'd like to have a unique relationship with each and every one of you, it is simply not realistic. It becomes too much when a gentleman is texting 10-15x before an appointment, or if they want to call and just chit-chat. I had a guy the other day call just to talk, didn't want to get together, just wanted to see how I was. While I appreciate the gesture, and wish I had time for that, I just simply don't! I'm studying for finals and taking appointments during study breaks. All my free time is dedicated to studying. We have appointments to book, real life errands to run, some providers are mothers, others are in school or work another job. So please keep this in mind. Also, if you are booking an hour appointment, chances are that there will be 15 minutes or so of conversation anyway when you meet.

There is a limit to the amount of talking/texting that should go on before a session, because as Morgan stated, most of our info is in our ads, or on our websites. So asking about rates, or services offered is a big no-no because we don't discuss those things over the phone AND all that info is already available to you. If you were able to find our phone number to contact us, you are able to find the majority of the rest of the info as well.

Just my opinion, hope it didn't come across too harsh!
I love my clients and I like to develop personal relationships with them all, but I like to do that face to face, not on the phone or text.

xoxo JY
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
No, its part of doing business. If you don't want to spend the time, then tell him no. Otherwise, you need to take however long is needed to satisfiy your customers concerns. Originally Posted by Bubba3452
Aren't all of the concerns satified by the reviews? You know I am who I say I am and my services are good. I can not tell you over the phone whether or not you will like me in person. Like I said, a little time to feel a person out is perfectly fine. However, it is unfair of a client to expect take up 2 hours of a providers time scheduling a one hour appointment for free.
Not harsh at all and completly understandable. You can end a call anytime you need to. Don't reply to a text if you don't have time.

But its up to you to control how much non-billable time you spend on your work. I would think most will agree that taking up too much of your time is not good.

I for one, would never agree to any kind of booking fee, etc. Or agree to have time taken off the appointment due to the time spent on the phone, in text, email, etc before the appointment unless we BOTH agree to that before time is spent.
Aren't all of the concerns satified by the reviews? You know I am who I say I am and my services are good. I can not tell you over the phone whether or not you will like me in person. Like I said, a little time to feel a person out is perfectly fine. However, it is unfair of a client to expect take up 2 hours of a providers time scheduling a one hour appointment for free. Originally Posted by EroticMorgan
Reviews alone only tell part of the story. Your dealing with horny men about something very personal and emotional. Not everyone will be happy with the info on a website or two.

If a guy does not respect your time, its up to you to decide if you should go ahead or decline to talk to him again. You are completly in control of this issue. Learning to manage your customers and time is part of the job.

I am in a field where my customers call ofton for free advice over the phone. I completely understand your frustration. Its not always easy to tell a customer you dont have time to talk to them
It's all part of marketing your business. There are always customers you wish wouldn't call you because they are time wasters. Practice helps you figure out who they are and you just say ok I'll need to start billing now, what's your credit card number? They quickly find a way to end the call. Trying to add on booking time to an appointment is not a situation you want to manage. Disputes and bad reviews will be forthcoming and more drama for the co-ed forum.
And Morgan, its a very good question. I am very sure your not the only one having this problem. Your helping others as well by airing the issue.

Perhaps someone will jump in with some suggestions on how to better manage this issue. I know I can help with email issues for example. Things like auto reply, etc.

You are in the sales business Morgan, which means that a certain amount of groundwork needs to be laid before you can close the deal. It's just part of the business. Can someone abuse it, sure, and some will if given the chance. You need to determine what level of communication you are ok with.

And while reviews are definitely nice to have on someone, its still a very YMMV business, so a lot of guys are naturally inclined to determine ahead of time if you and he are going to be compatible and be able to have some fun together.
Boom Boom's Avatar
I hate to be an ass, but I only expect "booking time" from lawyers, plumbers, electricians, or HVAC techs. Even then I can't stand to see that on my bill when it comes time to pay the piper

On the other side of the coin, I understand the situation with maintaining relationships, establishing a client base, etc... What's that old 80/20 rule? You get 80% of your business from 20% of your clients. You will just have to establish for yourself who falls into that category & decide if you are willing to take on new ones.
pyramider's Avatar
Some of the fucktards in question have no intention of an appointment but are merely trying to get some phone sex.

When it becomes too much just tell the fucktard go elsewhere.
You need to cut off those time wasters. Maybe telling them that you will have to start the meter is the easiest way. That will get then to stop. Some guys want weeks and hours worth of conversation for a half hour appointment.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 08-10-2010, 09:15 PM
Aren't all of the concerns satified by the reviews? You know I am who I say I am and my services are good. I can not tell you over the phone whether or not you will like me in person. Like I said, a little time to feel a person out is perfectly fine. However, it is unfair of a client to expect take up 2 hours of a providers time scheduling a one hour appointment for free. Originally Posted by EroticMorgan
I have to say Morgan you control the length of the phone conversatons...
They dont....cut them off when ever you chose..If you stay on the phone
with someone for 2 hrs that is your fault not theirs.....
And No reviews do not satisfy the gentleman..first it is just reading is not hearing your voice, your laughter or how you inter
act with each another...a connection....Just remember PR is very
in our business and you cant charge someone for being interested in
seeing you...
Chica Chaser's Avatar
And No reviews do not satisfy the gentleman..first it is just reading is not hearing your voice, your laughter or how you inter
act with each another...a connection.... Originally Posted by fawn
Fawn...the more I read from you the more I like you and the way you think! I was reading down this thread and formulating a reply when I see your post. So you took the words right out of my mouth!

Morgan, I think for most of us gentlemen here, it's ALL about the connection. We are trying to make a decision on whether to drop a lot of cash on someone..either you or someone else. At decision time, if I feel a lady that is somewhat frustrated with our attempts at getting comfortable; that attitude will carry over to the actual session, even subconsciously. I will always choose the one that willingly gave me that extra few minutes to talk and make me WANT to come see her.

On the other hand, if you sense you are dealing with a time waster, repeated calls and no appointment being booked, thats when you let him go. Only you can decide when you have spent enough time on him.