Downgrade ASAP from iOS 7 to iOS 614 please help!!!

I updated my iPhone 4S to ios7 and I hate it, it's slow, the entire layout makes my phone look like a toddler's toy. How can I go back to ios614? I'm so disappointed, apple says there's no way but I think there must be!! Help!
BadMojo's Avatar
IKR I am hosed with this new Ios!
initial d's Avatar
I looked online and the window to downgrade is closed...sorry.
guy fawkes's Avatar
Pm me if you still need help. Handle is worm.
I heard bad things about that update. Apparently it's screwing up some people's phones making them basically useless. I hope you are able to get it downgraded.
Sorry you folks are having probs , glad you posted before I updated . I skipped the last update cause I read it was freezing up and maps worked horribly , plus shut down unexpectedly .
Samcro84's Avatar
Apple has gone down hill since they lost Jobs. Updates coming too soon and new phones too soon. I switched to Android earlier this year. Really glad I took the leap.
Daracus's Avatar
I updated my iPhone with no problem, love the new sleek look.
ANDROID - 'nuff said.
Precious_b's Avatar
Stone cold reliable.

Samcro84's Avatar
Yea precious but gotta keep string tight.
CrimsonValkyrie's Avatar
I updated to 7. Now my iPhone looks like a droid. I might get a droid next time.
I finally got rid of my iPhone about 3 months ago and went with an Android phone.

Apple will fuck up an upgrade and not admit that the upgrade caused a problem. My biggest gripe was when I upgraded from ios V4 to V5, my WiFi didn't work properly. My iPhone had problems identifying a WiFi network. It wouldn't even identify or connect to my home and office networks. Apple support (both online and in person) said I had to reset my phone and if that didn't work, to reset my router. I did research online and found out lots of people were having that problem but Apple never admitted they fucked up. It eventually got fixed with a service upgrade in V5. BUT, it happened again in V6.
superunknown's Avatar
No problems here, my phone is running great with the update plus love all the new features