Miss Dreams

Bizee2's Avatar
Does anyone know where Miss Dreams account has vanished to? I cannot email her or find her. I found something saying she is banned. Anyone know if she is ok?
joesmo888's Avatar
a mod will have to chime in but i don't think banned members are allowed to be talked about as to why they were banned.
I have spent a lot of time with her since I did her review and have talked to her by phone and through P411 today and she is doing great. And still the same bubbly girl I have gotten to know. lol. And also still smoking HOT.
Cpalmson's Avatar
She reached out to me via P411 to tell me about the ban. I didn't ban her and don't know who did. Last time I checked, I don't think there is a rule against talking about a ban. As a matter of fact, it may be beneficial as it could help someone else avoid a ban in the future.

She told me the ban is for 30 days. Essentially, someone accused her of "sharing computers" with a client-- which she admitted did happen. The implication being a client can log into his account and show her what is in the ROS of her reviews. Whether or not that can be proved is another thing. Personally, I kinda disagree with not allowing a provider to see the ROS of her own reviews. I just assume someone tells her what is in there, so from my POV, the girls already know so why fight it. In any case, that is why she is banned, so for those of you out there, don't share your computer with a client or a provider-- LOL.

Now, she did tell me this. She wants to get some clients in Panama City, so for those there, look her up on P411. Now, I did tell her that her rate structure is a tad high for what most clients expect in this area. I'd have seen her by now, but it is hard for me to justify her rates when there are girls who offer the same at a lower price. BTW, I'm very close to justify seeing her-- just have to clear a last hurdle
Doodle23's Avatar
If that's true I don't think she should have been banned for that. I also think it's pretty much common knowledge that girls have access to the ROS in one way or another. I suspect a certain lady also has multiple accounts as well but that is another thread entirely. This girl also has a solid reputation and it seems kinda strange to ban her for this. It'd be different if she had a sketchy history and was trying to access the ROS to do something manipulative if someone left her a negative review, but at the worst she is only accessing information from clients saying what a good time they had with her.

I have seen far worse on this forum, such as sharing clients private information. Seems kinda silly to draw the line this rigidly now when far worse things have been done in the past.
Cpalmson's Avatar
She got the ban reduced to 14 days and is trying to get removed altogether. Ban was by someone in another forum. I won't get into how others moderate, but I would not have banned.
Saw Dreams today in Shreveport...she is fine...she told me the reason for the ban but not right to reveal reason..30 day ban reduced to 14 days....Dreams same energizer bunny that she always is....she's an angel...my ATF
I agree with you. She is now my ATF too. GREAT GREAT GIRL. And her personality is hands down the best of any of the girls I have seen. she is a sheer JOY to be around. And she brings that energy in to the bed which is AWESOME. lol
I saw on Dreams P411 where she will be in Pcola all weekend through Monday and Panama City middle of the week. She made her P411 open for now. I will be having sweet dreams one night this weekend.