I was on BP today and I saw girls that are offering $35 specials, $40 specials and $50 special.
Originally Posted by LamayaCox
When I see this type of thing happen, specials in the $35 and $50 for this or that, what crosses my mind is, the provider might/should question what she is doing wrong. Hello hunny, your rate is low because you are doing something wrong. What might it be? Are you researching to find out what guys like, and doing everything in your power to improve? Or are you just maintaining your current habits and constantly lowering the rate? Those are the questions that run through my mind when I see ads with really low rates.
It seems most providers assume the rate is the problem, when really they just suck at what they do.
Yes, a guy will say great job at X for $40, but of course he will! I have heard many guys say, "Even my worst blow job was just fantastic." If for a couple twenty dollar bills they can get a little bit of something, yes it's cheap quick and easy.
For the provider though, she should look at herself and see what the hell she's doing wrong. It isn't the rate! Each market has it's own average. Some cities have an average in the $150 and $200 range, while others average $300 to $400. Yes there are also a few ladies here and there charging above average and some charging below average. If you're charging above average and if you're doing ok, then great. If you're charging below average and you're struggling, then self reflect a bit. Whatever the average is, when you drop below it, I would even say once you drop below a hundred bucks, it's because you probably suck at what you do.
I personally love the hobby. I like meeting great friends and I like helping any lady out there who might be wondering what she is doing wrong. I'm usually fairly blunt. You have a problem, I have a solution, just depends if my advice/opinion is… wanted. I'll critique a person very gently or as detailed as they want, in an honest manner, not to push anyone down, but to let them know their weak areas so they can know what it might take to step up.
Lamaya, I am glad you don't or won't stoop to lower rates. If you think your rates are reasonable, don't lower them! Keep them at the amount comfortable to you, and even step up your game to where clients will think your rate is a bargain. When a client cusses you out over the phone, that doesn't reflect upon the type of person you are, it reflects on the type of person he is, and you don't need those types of men in the picture, they don't deserve you. By doing the best you can all the time Lamaya, you might even run into an overabundance of demand and limited availability to provide/supply, and end up having to increase your rates!
Supply and demand, free market economics at work.
Originally Posted by Chica Chaser