Has things got this desperate?

I was on BP today and I saw girls that are offering $35 specials, $40 specials and $50 special. I will admit that I'm not making as much money as I'd like (slow business)...but I would never do those types of specials.

I bet the girls who are offering specials like that are high-volume.

Once of my former clients wanted to pay me $180 for an overnight date and he said that even $400 was too much for him.

I shake my head, wondering why girls would do such low specials
Because a lot of those ladies that I see advertising those types of specials, just use those denominations to get you in the door, hoping to up sell you for everything else you want to do. I too find it sad that they are doing it. But a lot of ladies that do this type of advertising are also managed, and have no other choice but to see as many clients in a day as they can. The manager doesn't care if your body is worn down or ratchet as long as the money goes in his pocket.
That is why I am always reading about ladies who can't keep an in call, or ladies who steal and other such nonsense. They just make it that much harder for us good providers who actually do our services in a respectable manner of professionalism to get and keep good clients because ladies choose to offer bottom barrel street walker pricing.
I've been in the business for 7 years and I used to charge low rates. I attracted all the bargain hunters and deal chasers who complain that my rates are too high and that I should charge dirt cheap because I am a BBW.

I won't charge $60 for 30 minutes and $100 for one hour. My rates are reasonable. Sometimes I offer specials...but the special wouldn't be down to desperation levels.

I've been cussed out over the phone by clients who got upset because I refused to see them for $100.

  • DMike
  • 10-14-2013, 11:51 PM
for a 15 minute bng
When I see those prices I always think it's LE. I could be wrong but it seems the fast way to bust alot of men at once.
I just think it's the economy driving every chick with a cell phone into thinking she can do this job.
And yes, a lot of them have "handlers" helping them out.
Most of them get bad or lukewarm reviews and seem to burn out and fade away quickly.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Supply and demand, free market economics at work.
I was on BP today and I saw girls that are offering $35 specials, $40 specials and $50 special. Originally Posted by LamayaCox
When I see this type of thing happen, specials in the $35 and $50 for this or that, what crosses my mind is, the provider might/should question what she is doing wrong. Hello hunny, your rate is low because you are doing something wrong. What might it be? Are you researching to find out what guys like, and doing everything in your power to improve? Or are you just maintaining your current habits and constantly lowering the rate? Those are the questions that run through my mind when I see ads with really low rates.

It seems most providers assume the rate is the problem, when really they just suck at what they do.

Yes, a guy will say great job at X for $40, but of course he will! I have heard many guys say, "Even my worst blow job was just fantastic." If for a couple twenty dollar bills they can get a little bit of something, yes it's cheap quick and easy.

For the provider though, she should look at herself and see what the hell she's doing wrong. It isn't the rate! Each market has it's own average. Some cities have an average in the $150 and $200 range, while others average $300 to $400. Yes there are also a few ladies here and there charging above average and some charging below average. If you're charging above average and if you're doing ok, then great. If you're charging below average and you're struggling, then self reflect a bit. Whatever the average is, when you drop below it, I would even say once you drop below a hundred bucks, it's because you probably suck at what you do.

I personally love the hobby. I like meeting great friends and I like helping any lady out there who might be wondering what she is doing wrong. I'm usually fairly blunt. You have a problem, I have a solution, just depends if my advice/opinion is… wanted. I'll critique a person very gently or as detailed as they want, in an honest manner, not to push anyone down, but to let them know their weak areas so they can know what it might take to step up.

Lamaya, I am glad you don't or won't stoop to lower rates. If you think your rates are reasonable, don't lower them! Keep them at the amount comfortable to you, and even step up your game to where clients will think your rate is a bargain. When a client cusses you out over the phone, that doesn't reflect upon the type of person you are, it reflects on the type of person he is, and you don't need those types of men in the picture, they don't deserve you. By doing the best you can all the time Lamaya, you might even run into an overabundance of demand and limited availability to provide/supply, and end up having to increase your rates!

Supply and demand, free market economics at work. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
$300 /2 hours
$600/ 4 hours
$2200/ Weekend
$4900/ 1 week

The rates above are my current rates. I'm seriously thinking about raising them. I don't want to charge extremely low rates and attract undesirables (guys who think my rates are too high).

4 years ago, I was working out of a hotel in Raleigh, NC...and there were girls charging $20 for their services (now that's what I call desperate!)

I've been an escort for a few years. I have much more experience now than when I first got started (in 2006).
I am a 2 hour session guy but I note that you did not list a 1 hour rate. Why? That seems to be the most popular session among Eccie guys.
I like how you collect a minimum of $300 from all of your clients. Anyone who sees you must have a minimum of $300 available, which eliminates a certain group of clients.

If you do decide to increase your rates, I'd increase the lower end, but keep the same rates you currently have on the longer date durations.

Currently, there's no deal or financial incentive to encourage a client to increase his 2 hour date to a 4 hour date. Either way he is paying an average $300 per two hours (Or $150 per hour).

If you do increase your rates, I'd grandfather in your current clients who continue seeing you.

I would do something like...
2 hours $340
4 hours $600
8 hours $1040

This way, on the lower end you're getting a higher dollar from those who select the minimum 2 hour dates, yet longer dates have a bit of a financial incentive.

2 hours $340 is... $170 per hour
4 hours $600 is... $150 per hour
8 hours $1040 is... $130 per hour
Overnight $1200 is... $100 per hour (assumes 12 hours)
Weekend $2200
1 Week $4900

As watchout indicated, you have no 1 hour rate. I assume if you offered a 1 hour rate, people would want it. Maybe this is an opportunity to still appeal to the clients who don't want to spend a dime over three hundred bucks. Ask yourself if you want to have a 1 hour rate or if you need a 1 hour rate... perhaps this is where you can maintain that $300 baseline. 1 hour $300.
When I see this type of thing happen, specials in the $35 and $50 for this or that, what crosses my mind is, the provider might/should question what she is doing wrong. Hello hunny, your rate is low because you are doing something wrong. What might it be? Are you researching to find out what guys like, and doing everything in your power to improve? Or are you just maintaining your current habits and constantly lowering the rate? Those are the questions that run through my mind when I see ads with really low rates.

It seems most providers assume the rate is the problem, when really they just suck at what they do.

Yes, a guy will say great job at X for $40, but of course he will! I have heard many guys say, "Even my worst blow job was just fantastic." If for a couple twenty dollar bills they can get a little bit of something, yes it's cheap quick and easy.

For the provider though, she should look at herself and see what the hell she's doing wrong. It isn't the rate! Each market has it's own average. Some cities have an average in the $150 and $200 range, while others average $300 to $400. Yes there are also a few ladies here and there charging above average and some charging below average. If you're charging above average and if you're doing ok, then great. If you're charging below average and you're struggling, then self reflect a bit. Whatever the average is, when you drop below it, I would even say once you drop below a hundred bucks, it's because you probably suck at what you do.

I personally love the hobby. I like meeting great friends and I like helping any lady out there who might be wondering what she is doing wrong. I'm usually fairly blunt. You have a problem, I have a solution, just depends if my advice/opinion is… wanted. I'll critique a person very gently or as detailed as they want, in an honest manner, not to push anyone down, but to let them know their weak areas so they can know what it might take to step up.

Lamaya, I am glad you don't or won't stoop to lower rates. If you think your rates are reasonable, don't lower them! Keep them at the amount comfortable to you, and even step up your game to where clients will think your rate is a bargain. When a client cusses you out over the phone, that doesn't reflect upon the type of person you are, it reflects on the type of person he is, and you don't need those types of men in the picture, they don't deserve you. By doing the best you can all the time Lamaya, you might even run into an overabundance of demand and limited availability to provide/supply, and end up having to increase your rates! Originally Posted by PleasantSurprise

I actually agree wholeheartedly. It's not the rate, it's the woman most times. You can have a beautiful package and great skill, but if her thought patterns are not geared towards advancing herself, she will never get that connection.

It must also be considered that a lot of these young ladies don't know any better, firstly. And secondly, with those rates, she's not wondering what she's doing wrong. It's complacency issue. She's either very content with where she is, or is listening to some guy who knows diddly squat. It's gas in the car. It's the prepaid cell phone bill paid. It's the room for one more night. It's a meal. Or a bottle of spirits. A pack of cigarettes and some condoms.

Now she can make it to tomorrow.

@Lamaya, these women don't affect your business at all. Things should be back to normal soon, and you'll see that there are gentlemen that appreciate the Companion you are.

OrallyGifted's Avatar
girl there is one for $25 I never lower my prices no matter how slow it is ....
gimme_that's Avatar
400 dollar overnights are cool when they happen......sheed even if you pay more there's always a catch 22. Overnights for the most part are always negotiable. Worse she can say is no. Mostly BP chicks though.

But even established independents run into financial jams at times. Just saying.........end of the month, late night discounted appointments before the 1st when rent and car note are due have been good to me. Don't knock it tell you try it.........worst she can say is no I mean she has her rep and pride........but too many will call back. "My overnight rate bis 1200." Damn I only got 800 on me tonight, guess Ill call you next time........."we can work something out........" and the cycle continues.........
The good thing about threads like these is it shows us all that there is and will always be a price range for everyone.
Ladies can set their rates and stick to them and the gentlemen can choose whether or not he wants to pay that rate or move on to a lady who is more in his price range.

It's not that hard to do.
Just remember, you usually get what you pay for and if you want a true companion experience it costs a bit more than a drop and pop....