Why is he talking?

Janine's Avatar
Obomi .... Why is he talking right now? He has made our country worse. Do we even have a country any longer? United States of America? When? Where? How? And why the hell not? He is worse than Carter. When will we have another Reagan? We need ... WE deserve better than this. IMOHO....J
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 10-16-2013, 07:15 PM
flghtr65's Avatar
Obomi .... Why is he talking right now? He has made our country worse. Do we even have a country any longer? United States of America? When? Where? How? And why the hell not? He is worse than Carter. When will we have another Reagan? We need ... WE deserve better than this. IMOHO....J Originally Posted by Janine
Another Reagan? Reagan increased the debt ceiling 18 times in 8 years. Reagan also increased taxes. Bush and Dick Cheney put the USA in the steepest recession since the great depression. It's not Obama's fault that Wall Street crashed and lost all of their money tradeing unregulated securities. Let's see, when Bush left office, AIG, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Bear Stearns, Freedie Mack, Fannie Mae, Citigroup, Chase Bank, Wells Fargo and Auto makers GM and Chysler were all bankrupt, just to name a couple. All of these companies had to be bailed out. Obama got the USA out of the recession. Financial markets are stable, the housing market has rebounded. The tea party almost caused a default. Sen. Ted Cruze is a Moron.
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
Obomi .... Why is he talking right now? He has made our country worse. Do we even have a country any longer? United States of America? When? Where? How? And why the hell not? He is worse than Carter. When will we have another Reagan? We need ... WE deserve better than this. IMOHO....J Originally Posted by Janine
We will get them at the grass roots level. Vote and get a friend or family member to vote. Get involved in local, county and state level politics. Ozombies ain't won the war, just some battles.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-16-2013, 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by Doove

All of these companies had to be bailed out. Obama got the USA out of the recession. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Can't agree with the concept that my money should be taken by threat of force. Let alone for the purpose of distributing it to private individuals and companies. To me, it is not just unconstitutional but has a corrupting influence and at the core of this country's and this society's greatest problems.

And I'm not so sure O got us out of anything. Gitmo is still open. True we haven't been adding any, that we know of, just kill'em with a drone instead.
I'm questioning the "Transparency" of this admin, not so sure of any of the previous ones either. Isn't it 2/3s of all the deaths in Afghanistan happened under his watch? Seems like he hasn't gotten us out of that yet. I'll give you that he got us out of Benghazi, just not Libya, kinda got us pretty deep in that one but he wanted to kill a dictator like W did. After all hasn't Iraq amd its neighborhood been working well lately, or for the past couple thousand years for that matter.

But I digress, bottom line is the security of the country, the protection of its borders and citizens as well as faithful execution of the constitution are the President's responsibility. Managing GM or any other private venture is not. Maybe if the Commander in Chief (not just this one either) focused on our borders and international affairs and the localities looked after our own we would be able to hold on to more of what we work for and all be in a better place.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Can't agree with the concept that my money should be taken by threat of force. Let alone for the purpose of distributing it to private individuals and companies. To me, it is not just unconstitutional but has a corrupting influence and at the core of this country's and this society's greatest problems.

And I'm not so sure O got us out of anything. Gitmo is still open. True we haven't been adding any, that we know of, just kill'em with a drone instead.
I'm questioning the "Transparency" of this admin, not so sure of any of the previous ones either. Isn't it 2/3s of all the deaths in Afghanistan happened under his watch? Seems like he hasn't gotten us out of that yet. I'll give you that he got us out of Benghazi, just not Libya, kinda got us pretty deep in that one but he wanted to kill a dictator like W did. After all hasn't Iraq amd its neighborhood been working well lately, or for the past couple thousand years for that matter.

But I digress, bottom line is the security of the country, the protection of its borders and citizens as well as faithful execution of the constitution are the President's responsibility. Managing GM or any other private venture is not. Maybe if the Commander in Chief (not just this one either) focused on our borders and international affairs and the localities looked after our own we would be able to hold on to more of what we work for and all be in a better place. Originally Posted by SirReal
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Nothing like a bunch of losers claiming victory!

Maybe now the stupidity in Congress will stop and they can get to the people's business.

The rest of you can go suck an egg.
flghtr65's Avatar
We will get them at the grass roots level. Vote and get a friend or family member to vote. Get involved in local, county and state level politics. Ozombies ain't won the war, just some battles. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
In the next presidential election the republican candidate will lose the same 14 swing states that Mitt lost (Ohio, Florida, Iowa, Wisc, Penn, Virgina, Mich) there is 7 right there. No way will the republican candidate wins these.
flghtr65's Avatar
Can't agree with the concept that my money should be taken by threat of force. Let alone for the purpose of distributing it to private individuals and companies. To me, it is not just unconstitutional but has a corrupting influence and at the core of this country's and this society's greatest problems.

And I'm not so sure O got us out of anything. Gitmo is still open. True we haven't been adding any, that we know of, just kill'em with a drone instead.
I'm questioning the "Transparency" of this admin, not so sure of any of the previous ones either. Isn't it 2/3s of all the deaths in Afghanistan happened under his watch? Seems like he hasn't gotten us out of that yet. I'll give you that he got us out of Benghazi, just not Libya, kinda got us pretty deep in that one but he wanted to kill a dictator like W did. After all hasn't Iraq amd its neighborhood been working well lately, or for the past couple thousand years for that matter.

But I digress, bottom line is the security of the country, the protection of its borders and citizens as well as faithful execution of the constitution are the President's responsibility. Managing GM or any other private venture is not. Maybe if the Commander in Chief (not just this one either) focused on our borders and international affairs and the localities looked after our own we would be able to hold on to more of what we work for and all be in a better place. Originally Posted by SirReal
December 2012 was a lot better than December 2008, which was the last full month in office for George Bush. Since Bush left office the DJIA has doubled and set an all time high(even if you adjust for inflation like IBH) the DJIA topped 15,400 under Obama. The S&P 500 index and the Wilshire 5000 index (which has over 5,000 companies) has set an all time high under Obama. Clearly the economy has gained traction and improved under Obama. Obama has pressed the right buttons, Bush and Dick Cheney pressed the wrong buttons. Last thing, Obama did not manage GM, he forced out the old CEO who was responsible for the mismanagement before GM was given their bailout loan from TARP (Trouble Asset Relief Program). The only thing worse than December 2008 was the Great Depression of 1929.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
They need to be worried about the primaries. the baggers are going to go after every sane member of the GOP delegation. then the Dems regain control of the House.

couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of dipshits!
Last thing, Obama did not manage GM, he forced out the old CEO who was responsible for the mismanagement before GM was given their bailout loan from TARP. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Under what authority? How is it right to be subjugated by a government that picks the winners and losers. Don't you agree that it should be a "fair" society, that we are all supposed to be under the same laws and not have different application of the law pending an elected officials personal preference? GMs bond holders' contractual rights are dismissed, in preference not law, for the UAW's gain. You can stand and cheer as they rob one house but at some point the system is in motion to come to yours too. I won't be cheering at that time either.

As far as the market numbers go. If you take out the actual $85 billion a month the fed has been pumping into the market and the under reported inflationary effects I believe the numbers lack legitimacy. But how I do wish the economy was as strong as it could be without the continued shell games of our so called leaders.
GentleGiant2467's Avatar
Under what authority? How is it right to be subjugated by a government that picks the winners and losers. Don't you agree that it should be a "fair" society, that we are all supposed to be under the same laws and not have different application of the law pending an elected officials personal preference?\ Originally Posted by SirReal
If memory serves me, those who received the bail out cash were told if you want the dump trucks full of money, changes have to be made. So the board of directors for those organizations made changes... Was it right??? Well, that's question has a subjective answer. all we know is those organizations wanted the cash and they did what was necessary to get it.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
flighter is a true believer in a lot of things that aren't true. QE 1, 2, and 3 had more to do with the rise of the stock market than fiscal health. Can you say bubble? The economy dropped sharply because of the housing bubble and Fannie/Freddie. Who called for an audit of Fannie/Freddie in 2005? What it was George W. Bush and John McCain. They got stopped by a unified democratic front and we took it in the neck. Bush loaned money to GM as well. They paid that money back but Obama counted it against what he loaned them but they are still 25 billion dollars in the hole to the US taxpayer. Who signed TARP into law? Why it was George W. Bush and not Barack Obama. October 3rd, 2008. Check it out. Give credit to the right man if you want to give credit to TARP.