College student claims rape, but video shows something else

Stan.Dupp's Avatar
Apparently she was drunk, like really drunk. Some random dude starts eating her out and a bunch of bystanders take video of him and her. The next day she realizes the videos are all over the net. She is now claiming she was drunk, and was raped and couldn't give proper consent because she was too drunk.

The video sure looks like she is enjoying herself. Here is the news link, her face is blurred out. NSFW: Channel 10 News report

By the way youtube has pulled the video, so these folks put this up on their website.
Apparently she was drunk, like really drunk. Some random dude starts eating her out and a bunch of bystanders take video of him and her. The next day she realizes the videos are all over the net. She is now claiming she was drunk, and was raped and couldn't give proper consent because she was too drunk.

The video sure looks like she is enjoying herself. Here is the news link, her face is blurred out. NSFW: Channel 10 News report

By the way youtube has pulled the video, so these folks put this up on their website. Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp

The a and c section of this law seems to apply here. All the woman has to do is claim she was so impaired that she could not give consent.

I suspect a arrest will be made, and charges filed.
You know how the female condom works? It fits over the top of a wine glass.
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
I don't know, I mean I am conflicted. I just watched it for like the 4th time. You hear someone in the background asking the girl "what kind of drugs you on girl?", then you hear some guy saying "Hey can we form a line?". Some gal in the background is saying "she is fucked up". So they all know this gal is super impaired.

I think it is safe to say however if this plays out that the guy in video is in deep shit. His face is plastered all over the internet too.

The laws do seem clear though what Jackie S linked. If she was too impaired at the time to realize what was fully going on she might have a case.
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
I just found this. This is a picture of the student passed out the next morning on the street

Link to the news article:
Randall Creed's Avatar
Interesting. She kinda coddles his head a couple times throughout the ordeal. I don't know. I think that kinda weakens her case a bit. I didn't see resistance of any kind from her. You don't cup a guys' head and run your fingers through his hair if you don't like what he's doing to you.

And seriously, ladies. How many times are we going to go through scenarios like the above? We all know that alcohol and young, idiot guys are never a good mix. As a woman, you HAVE to know that your vulnerability greatly increases the more unaware you are (i.e. liquored up), especially around guys, particularly young guys. We've seen this happen SO MANY TIMES BEFORE in society. I'm a fucking GUY, who weighs well over 200 and feel like I can hold my own against anyone who isn't a pro boxer/MMA/WWE wrestler. I don't even want to put MYSELF in position where i'm unable to defend myself or make a conscious decision to not put myself in harm's way. How in the hell can some of you, at 100lbs give or take, think you can have 14 drinks, maybe some recreational drugs or whatever, and deal with a bunch of guys twice your size?

You can't blame it on not knowing. There's too much media nowadays. I get it that it's your right to get totally PLASTERED. That doesn't mean it's a good idea to do it. Hell, if I want to walk buck naked down a dark highway, I CAN FUCKING DO IT. Now, there may be consequences FOR doing it. I may get arrested. I may get blasted into next week by a Mack truck. I may get arrested by a gay cop and bent over on his patrol car. It doesn't OK anything that happens to me, BUT it also doesn't justify POOR JUDGMENT. The same applies to women who through their own actions or carelessness, put themselves in this situation. You can't always fall back on the law due to you being an idiot. If you make a kite made of money, and it blows away, you can't complain about not being able to pay your rent. Your rent just fucking flew away, because you idiotically choose to make a kite out of it.

I know real rapes happen, and those women deserve justice for that. In this scenario, I'm struggling to see rape here. Unless she was drugged and it can be proven, I'm inclined to let the guy walk.