The future of health care and why health insurance doesn't matter

Misawahawk's Avatar
Folks the best and the brightest in our country are able to send a rocket to Mars with a remote control car, drive around examining rocks, and then send back the pictures. Figuring out the algorithms to cost effectively provide universal health care to all Americans is doable. In fact it would be a walk in the park compared to fighting and winning 2 world wars, creating the atom bomb, going to the moon, and maintaining peace and stability in the world for the past 60 years.

I've read the majority of posts on this board pertaining to Obamacare. Please don't fall into the Coke vs Pepsi mindset that Democrats or Republicans are going to solve our problems. That train doesn't go there. Americans solve the problems when they collectively say fuck the consequences, what we are doing isn't working, and we don't care who gets the credit as long as the problem is solved.

The notion of insurance is a smoke and mirrors shell game that has no reason to be part and parcel of life and death situations. Insurance companies are just like casinos and in the end the house always wins. Go back to our preamble and examine the ethos of all that is true American, examine those 'self evident' truths. I trust you won't find anything about making money off the sure bet that all beings get sick and die. You will find something about our creator saying we have a right, but not just a right, an unalienable right (not transferable) to life!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Well said!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-22-2013, 02:42 PM
Folks the best and the brightest in our country are able to send a rocket to Mars with a remote control car, drive around examining rocks, and then send back the pictures. Figuring out the algorithms to cost effectively provide universal health care to all Americans is doable. In fact it would be a walk in the park compared to fighting and winning 2 world wars, creating the atom bomb, going to the moon, and maintaining peace and stability in the world for the past 60 years.

I've read the majority of posts on this board pertaining to Obamacare. Please don't fall into the Coke vs Pepsi mindset that Democrats or Republicans are going to solve our problems. That train doesn't go there. Americans solve the problems when they collectively say fuck the consequences, what we are doing isn't working, and we don't care who gets the credit as long as the problem is solved.

The notion of insurance is a smoke and mirrors shell game that has no reason to be part and parcel of life and death situations. Insurance companies are just like casinos and in the end the house always wins. Go back to our preamble and examine the ethos of all that is true American, examine those 'self evident' truths. I trust you won't find anything about making money off the sure bet that all beings get sick and die. You will find something about our creator saying we have a right, but not just a right, an unalienable right (not transferable) to life!! Originally Posted by Misawahawk
I kin go wit dat
That's a pretty good analogy. But now the Insurance Companies have one up on the Casinos, which makes their game even more lucrative. Nobody is telling you that you have to go to a Casino and gamble away your money.

But now, the Insurance Companies have the biggest dog in town telling their customers that they HAVE to spend their money, or face the consequences.

It's a pretty good deal for them. Just like the Casinos, they can't loose
Yssup Rider's Avatar
OirsCARE...NOT Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Ingles por favor.
Ingles por favor. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Onotcare and the IRS suck at comprehending the US Constitution...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Folks the best and the brightest in our country are able to send a rocket to Mars with a remote control car, drive around examining rocks, and then send back the pictures. Figuring out the algorithms to cost effectively provide universal health care to all Americans is doable. In fact it would be a walk in the park compared to fighting and winning 2 world wars, creating the atom bomb, going to the moon, and maintaining peace and stability in the world for the past 60 years.

I've read the majority of posts on this board pertaining to Obamacare. Please don't fall into the Coke vs Pepsi mindset that Democrats or Republicans are going to solve our problems. That train doesn't go there. Americans solve the problems when they collectively say fuck the consequences, what we are doing isn't working, and we don't care who gets the credit as long as the problem is solved.

The notion of insurance is a smoke and mirrors shell game that has no reason to be part and parcel of life and death situations. Insurance companies are just like casinos and in the end the house always wins. Go back to our preamble and examine the ethos of all that is true American, examine those 'self evident' truths. I trust you won't find anything about making money off the sure bet that all beings get sick and die. You will find something about our creator saying we have a right, but not just a right, an unalienable right (not transferable) to life!! Originally Posted by Misawahawk
Thought provoking post. Rare on here. I would even tend to agree with you, if Obamacare was about health care. It's not. It's about control. If the government was truly interested in helping the population, they would have gone about it your way. But their interest is in controlling the population.

But thanks for the intelligent post. Refreshing!

RedLeg505's Avatar
Figuring out the algorithms to cost effectively provide universal health care to all Americans is doable. Originally Posted by Misawahawk
Then.. WHY DID THEY FAIL TO DO SO with 3 years and $639 million dollars spent?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Onotcare and the IRS suck at comprehending the US Constitution... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Please explain, dilbread. The supreme court upheld the law as constitutional.

that's the hihest authority in our legal system, and a court about four or five rungs higher on the authority ladder than the one that could have you declared mentally incompetent.

amazing that you don't even try to make sense.
Spoken like a good Commissar.....of the single payor system.

The ultimate government control over our lives and liberty.
I am surprised you buy into his argument for government provided healthcare as a constitutional right............

Why do I doubt Misawahawk will apply the same standard (right to life) to abortions, especially late term and life births, which not only should have the right to life, but the right to a fair trial by peers, attorney, and right to appeal the death sentence !

Thought provoking post. Rare on here. I would even tend to agree with you, if Obamacare was about health care. It's not. It's about control. If the government was truly interested in helping the population, they would have gone about it your way. But their interest is in controlling the population.

But thanks for the intelligent post. Refreshing!

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Yssup Rider's Avatar
here we go with Government repression talk again.

Doesn't Girlyturd realize that every time he bitches about something infringing upon his liberty and then supports a ban on abortion in the same post he looks stupider than even we believe him to be?

Hypocrite. Liar. Hate monger. And in all likelihood a creepy little troll stuck in his mama's garage.

You do us all proud, Girlyturd!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I am surprised you buy into his argument for government provided healthcare as a constitutional right............

Why do I doubt Misawahawk will apply the same standard (right to life) to abortions, especially late term and life births, which not only should have the right to life, but the right to a fair trial by peers, attorney, and right to appeal the death sentence ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I've said before that I would support single payer if it was done the right way, which is, of course, my way. My point was that Obamacare is about control, not health.

Oh, and once again, my requirements for single payer:

1. A Constitutional amendment allowing the system.

2. The government is involved in payment ONLY. All medical decisions will be made solely by medical professionals and solely in the best interests of the patient.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-23-2013, 05:09 PM
The government is involved in payment ONLY. All medical decisions will be made solely by medical professionals and solely in the best interests of the patient.

and who watches the Fox around the chickens ?