The despicable and reprehensible Alan Grayson recently sent the following email to his supporters using a burning cross as the ‘T’ in Tea Party, comparing the Tea Party to the Klu Klux Klan:


What a cesspool of Democrat voters who put this guy back in office.

Hope the House censures him...the Democrats won't, they voted him in.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-22-2013, 10:25 AM
Tea Party induced government shut costs 24 Billion and you want the House to censure Grayson for a free speech issue? Do you Tea Party folks believe in the 1rst amendment or not?
Only when it is in their favor.
LexusLover's Avatar
Tea Party induced government shut costs 24 Billion and you want the House to censure Grayson for a free speech issue? Do you Tea Party folks believe in the 1rst amendment or not? Originally Posted by WTF

And all these years you have been whining about the growing national debt. My, my!

And if I have you confused with someone, my apologies.

Or if someone is using your name, my condolences and hope you get it straight.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
The despicable and reprehensible Alan Grayson recently sent the following email to his supporters using a burning cross as the ‘T’ in Tea Party, comparing the Tea Party to the Klu Klux Klan:


What a cesspool of Democrat voters who put this guy back in office.

Hope the House censures him...the Democrats won't, they voted him in. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
What Grayson said works for me and the reason you're squealing like a pig stuck under a gate is that it hit a little too close to home, homeboy. You Teawipe Parrotriots need to remember: "If you can't hide it, flaunt it."
MOAR lap dog media DO-DO...

Randy4Candy's Avatar
The next time you knuckle-dragging, estrogen infested little bitches decide to go to town hall meetings wearing your six shooters and false swagger, remember not to call people "un-American" who don't agree with you 100%. It's tough titty (for you) that what goes around comes around. YOU Teawipe pissants are the only Un-Armericans in the house because you are all about making everyone think exactly like you and are unwilling to allow other people to be FREE from you imposing your thought tyranny upon them - just like the Klan used to.
They are SICK alright... Click pause, so you can read, it moves fast.

Randy4Candy's Avatar
It has to move fast - so much to find, so little time.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yeah, I went to one of them TEA party rallys and they had aliens there too.
I know because I got an email about it and you know when you get one of them emails it is always true.
TexTushHog's Avatar
If the hood fits . . . .
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-23-2013, 09:28 AM
And all these years you have been whining about the growing national debt. My, my!

And if I have you confused with someone, my apologies.

Or if someone is using your name, my condolences and hope you get it straight. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You're just confused LL.

I have supported adjusting SS and Medicare along with raising taxes and cutting Defense spending....all done slowly over time. Sorta like Simpson/Bowles. You heard of them?
If the hood fits . . . . Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Insurance coverage for all Americans (at least an attempt) and the nuking of "Pre Existing Conditions" is BAD BAD BAD for Tea Baggers.
Nation Building in Persia, making new roads in Baghdad, new schools in Kabul and the fleecing of the surplus Good to the Tea Party...oh wait, they were not around barking like mad dogs till a black man took office!
Yes, Obama has run up the debt, but so did bush. Where were you guys and all your barking mad antics when BOTH bushes were ass fucking this nation?

Tea Baggers wave the flag and proclaim the name of baby Jesus all along NOT understanding that "United" part of the words United States and acting like a spoiled only child.
'United we Stand' simply does not factor into the Tea Bagger brain.

They love the constitution but only the part where its lop sided in ways that benefit them. Free Speech, sorta kinda…but not so much. Have a simple discussion about guns and they lose their shit. Their hero’s are war mongering freaks like Ted Nugent who bravely asserts his gun rights but fails to really speak about the days where he covered himself in feces to avoid the draft (yeah, real patriot). Then the Tea Party brainless leaders like Sarah Palin who babbles on about god knows what...did she even graduate high school? We do know she is a fucking quitter. She WAS elected for an office and quit midterm, way to turn your back on those that voted you in. Then the QUEEN of the Tea Party Michelle Bachmann who wants to Pray Gay Away while waiting for the imminent Apocalypse of the bible. Christine O'Donnell and her Séance meetings with the devil. Bobby Jindal and the Exorcism he attended. What is with all the bat shit crazy superstition of the Tea Party? What next? Ted Cruz speaks mentally to Zeus or Poseidon?
Tea party LEADERS are bat shit crazy, the party supporters even nuttier! Tea Baggers are quick to point the finger at Pelosi (who I detest) but they fail to look at the mirror of their own HUGE CAST of crazies!
Why is the Republican Party so fragmented? Budding up with the Religious Right (Reich) back in the Regan days. Ever since then it’s grown to be a bigger part of their platform. Then when Obama got elected the racist part of the Republican Party split to prove themselves blabbering idiots. Baggers in Tennessee were passing laws to ban Shari Law. Really? What about the US constitution that says something about making a law respecting religion...oh bother, well the party of LESS government wants to pass MORE laws that cover established federal laws. Bunch of Xenophobes, that's all. Tea Baggers have run their course and shown the US what nuts they are. The republicans will be quickly shitting them out of the party soon. Then and ONLY then will they be taken serious again as well as have a chance at winning elections.
It’s NOT that the Democrats are better, they are not. It’s just the when the republican party fell apart….they did so in such a tragically spectacular way. They are like a jerking cadaver in the throes of death. The democrats will continue to win by default till the republicans shit out the tea party and become a party of sensible fiscal conservatives who stay out of America’s bedroom. Its high time the Moderate republican returns. But I saw today where that word has now been switched to “Liberal’ republican when describing McCain (who did not cover him self in shit to avoid a war).

Tea Party folk have drank the Kool Aide of Racism and Hate and are blind to how foolish they look to the rest of the world.

Simply put the only people that take the tea party serious are Tea Party folks. Kinda like the only people that take UFO abduction stories serious are those that show up at the annual Area 51 gatherings.

I hope this Obamacare showdown wakes sensible people up and rational republicans reclaim their party!
Rant mode off!
Insurance coverage for all Americans (at least an attempt) and the nuking of "Pre Existing Conditions" is BAD BAD BAD for Tea Baggers.
Nation Building in Persia, making new roads in Baghdad, new schools in Kabul and the fleecing of the surplus Good to the Tea Party...oh wait, they were not around barking like mad dogs till a black man took office!
Yes, Obama has run up the debt, but so did bush. Where were you guys and all your barking mad antics when BOTH bushes were ass fucking this nation?

Tea Baggers wave the flag and proclaim the name of baby Jesus all along NOT understanding that "United" part of the words United States and acting like a spoiled only child.
'United we Stand' simply does not factor into the Tea Bagger brain.

They love the constitution but only the part where its lop sided in ways that benefit them. Free Speech, sorta kinda…but not so much. Have a simple discussion about guns and they lose their shit. Their hero’s are war mongering freaks like Ted Nugent who bravely asserts his gun rights but fails to really speak about the days where he covered himself in feces to avoid the draft (yeah, real patriot). Then the Tea Party brainless leaders like Sarah Palin who babbles on about god knows what...did she even graduate high school? We do know she is a fucking quitter. She WAS elected for an office and quit midterm, way to turn your back on those that voted you in. Then the QUEEN of the Tea Party Michelle Bachmann who wants to Pray Gay Away while waiting for the imminent Apocalypse of the bible. Christine O'Donnell and her Séance meetings with the devil. Bobby Jindal and the Exorcism he attended. What is with all the bat shit crazy superstition of the Tea Party? What next? Ted Cruz speaks mentally to Zeus or Poseidon?
Tea party LEADERS are bat shit crazy, the party supporters even nuttier! Tea Baggers are quick to point the finger at Pelosi (who I detest) but they fail to look at the mirror of their own HUGE CAST of crazies!
Why is the Republican Party so fragmented? Budding up with the Religious Right (Reich) back in the Regan days. Ever since then it’s grown to be a bigger part of their platform. Then when Obama got elected the racist part of the Republican Party split to prove themselves blabbering idiots. Baggers in Tennessee were passing laws to ban Shari Law. Really? What about the US constitution that says something about making a law respecting religion...oh bother, well the party of LESS government wants to pass MORE laws that cover established federal laws. Bunch of Xenophobes, that's all. Tea Baggers have run their course and shown the US what nuts they are. The republicans will be quickly shitting them out of the party soon. Then and ONLY then will they be taken serious again as well as have a chance at winning elections.
It’s NOT that the Democrats are better, they are not. It’s just the when the republican party fell apart….they did so in such a tragically spectacular way. They are like a jerking cadaver in the throes of death. The democrats will continue to win by default till the republicans shit out the tea party and become a party of sensible fiscal conservatives who stay out of America’s bedroom. Its high time the Moderate republican returns. But I saw today where that word has now been switched to “Liberal’ republican when describing McCain (who did not cover him self in shit to avoid a war).

Tea Party folk have drank the Kool Aide of Racism and Hate and are blind to how foolish they look to the rest of the world.

Simply put the only people that take the tea party serious are Tea Party folks. Kinda like the only people that take UFO abduction stories serious are those that show up at the annual Area 51 gatherings.

I hope this Obamacare showdown wakes sensible people up and rational republicans reclaim their party!
Rant mode off! Originally Posted by JackHorner
You covered all of the Ozombie talking points. Now go see mom and see if she will abort you for the good of your society ...