Medicaid Enrollment, Or Insurance Enrollment?

I would like to give, at least to Obama, the benefit of the doubt that he knows the truth behind the "numbers", but in doing so would only show he is deceiving us all. As he, and every other lib out there touts the numbers as an "enormous interest" in shopping for, and buying insurance on the exchanges, it turns out the majority are actually on the websites signing up for free Medicaid. I'll leave it up to you, as to whether you feel like an idiot for parroting the prez for all these months, or you really knew the facts?

"As the Obamacare website struggles, the administration is emphasizing state-level success. President Obama said Monday, "There's great demand at the state level as well. Because there are a bunch of states running their own marketplaces."

But left unsaid in the president's remarks: the newly insured in some of those states are overwhelmingly low-income people signing up for Medicaid at no cost to them.

Matt Salo, executive director of the National Association of Medicaid Directors, said, "We're seeing a huge spike in terms of Medicaid enrollments."

He says the numbers have surprised him and state officials.

CBS News has confirmed that in Washington, of the more than 35,000 people newly enrolled, 87 percent signed up for Medicaid. In Kentucky, out of 26,000 new enrollments, 82 percent are in Medicaid. And in New York, of 37,000 enrollments, Medicaid accounts for 64 percent. And there are similar stories across the country in nearly half of the states that run their own exchanges."
LexusLover's Avatar
Of course, .... California has been bankrupt for years and Kaiser has been unable to support the glut of early retirees who benefit from Kaiser being the "retirement" health care plan in California. The ONLY WAY Nancy Pelosi and company could save their asses in California is to set a national lifeboat into which Kaiser was able to dump it's high risk insured-retirees and force them into Medicaid or Medicare or similar anemic coverage ... which is of a lesser quality than Kaiser was providing through clinics and salaried physicians .. with a review board system of culling out of network services.

Reliant Energy in Texas did the same thing with its California losses when the state turned to shit and folks started fleeing ... leaving their unpaid utility bills behind .... Reliant was able to put their losses from California on their Texas rate request to the Commission and got an higher rate to be paid by Texans to pay off the California losses ... a Texas tax to cover the losses in effect.

Look who gets an "exemption" from the regs by this Administration ... the motivation is transparent, which is about the only "transparency" you'll get out of these crooks.
I'd like to see more articles about the Medicaid part of Obamacare. I read that Texas gave up billions in "free" federal aid to implement it because after the aid ran out in 3 years Texas would be force to pick up the entire tab.
I'd like to see more articles about the Medicaid part of Obamacare. I read that Texas gave up billions in "free" federal aid to implement it because after the aid ran out in 3 years Texas would be force to pick up the entire tab. Originally Posted by gnadfly
CA, of course, jumped well before any other state and enrolled 600,000 in the expanded Medicaid program and before open enrollment. It's going to get messy when the rest of America figures out how much this is going to cost.

"Enrollment: More than half a million state residents are enrolled in the Low Income Health Insurance Program, which will enable California to quickly "flip the switch" on Jan. 1 and simply transfer them into Medi-Cal, the state's Medicaid program, several experts said."
Guest123018-4's Avatar
It is very difficult to give a known liar the benefit of anything.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-26-2013, 05:29 PM
I don't think I've ever heard of any politician that wasn't a known liar.
RedLeg505's Avatar
I don't think I've ever heard of any politician that wasn't a known liar. Originally Posted by WTF
Glad to see you finally admit that Obama the politician IS a known liar.
I don't think I've ever heard of any politician that wasn't a known liar. Originally Posted by WTF
Do you know of any adult over, say, 25 that isn't a known liar? Can you even tell the difference you moronic buffoon?