Federal judge: Texas abortion limits unconstitutional

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-28-2013, 03:49 PM
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Big fucking surprise. Texas Teawipes Un-american!


Shake hands with governor Davis.

These idiots think they can legislate against freedom while mewling and crying in favor of liberty.

This simply confirms the case for basic public education.

Fuck you, you ignorant assholes. This is AMERICA, regardless what your jeeznadouchebag apostles say!
TexTushHog's Avatar
Let's don't celebrate prematurely. Nothing matter until Justice Kennedy votes. This is a 4-4-1 toss up when it's gets to DC. Not because the law isn't clear, but four if them don't give a shit and Kennedy is weak.
I think the below picture from WTF's link tells the whole truth over what is being demanded by the Demtards. Its right there on her sign. There's no "War on Women". It was never about "in cases of incest or rape."

Its all about Abortion on Demand. Like I've been saying for the last few years. Let the Demtards infanticide their base. As long as I don't have to pay for it, why do I give a fuck? Oh, that's right.

Stan.Dupp's Avatar
Let's don't celebrate prematurely. Nothing matter until Justice Kennedy votes. This is a 4-4-1 toss up when it's gets to DC. Not because the law isn't clear, but four if them don't give a shit and Kennedy is weak. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
The only parts that the Judge struck down were the requirement of admitting privileges to a hospital within 30 miles of a facility and the requirement that doctors stick to the FDA protocols for administering the abortion drug.

I don't see how the Supreme Court would rule in favor of either of these since many many drugs are used for "off label" use all the time and doctors don't follow the FDA guidelines for exact use on all medications.

In addition, the requirement of admitting privileges is over burdensome to the doctors and is unconstitutional no way around that one.

Anyway, I am not a lawyer, but it seems these two things would be something that the Supreme Court would side with, IF they decide to hear the case.

The 20 week requirement is still in place, along with the mandatory vaginal ultrasound.