Damn Kobe is getting fucked !

Nobody should pay 56%+ of their earnings to government.

25% Max !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kobe Bryant will owe the government nearly $14 million after the Los Angeles superstar receives a $24,363,044 payment from the team on Friday as part of his contract.

After factoring in the the top federal marginal rate of 39.6%, the top marginal California state tax rate of 13.3%, and the federal Medicare surtax of 3.8%, Bryant's tax burden is 56.7% before social security taxes.

That means his total tax liability will be just over $13.8 million.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Poor guy only has about $10.5 million on which to live. Per year for how many years? My guess is that most if not all of us on this forum do not make $10.5 million in our lifetime.

As mentioned, U.S. tax rate for Kobe is 39.6%. In Australia, the U.K and Germany it would be 45%. Belgium 55%. Canada 29% plus up to 25.75% provincial tax. Denmark 51.7%. France 75%!!! Italy 43%. Japan 50%. In addition, sales taxes (or VAT in some countries) is extremely high. 19% in Germany. Even 7% on food in Germany. 20% in the U.K. So, yes, the U.S. tax structure is high for very high income individuals like Kobe, but hardly out of line with other similar countries.

Would you feel less sorry for him if he made a paltry $100,000 and got to keep a higher percentage of it?
JCM800's Avatar
Poor guy only has about $10.5 million on which to live. Per year for how many years? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
plus look at this dump this guy has to live in .....

(but it can be yours for only about $8.6 Million)
Yeah, poor Kobe. Nice one Whirly'tard. Good catch, you tone deaf fucking idiot. I am certain the majority of the population will go along with your conservative outrage. Poor Kobe has to live on $10.5mm for knowing how to bounce a ball.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-01-2013, 04:39 PM
Yeah, poor Kobe. Nice one Whirly'tard. Good catch, you tone deaf fucking idiot. I am certain the majority of the population will go along with your conservative outrage. Poor Kobe has to live on $10.5mm for knowing how to bounce a ball. Originally Posted by timpage
and jump a little

If you figure it by the hour, he tops out his Social Security in about 15 minutes.

By the way, thanks for posting those rates of the other Countries. It makes me even more than full I was born in this Country.
Haha, not even close after his tax attorney works the magic.
Tell that sum bitch to play in Texas and save 13.3%. Dewight is real happy...LOL
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Damn Kobe is getting fucked !

Nobody should pay 56%+ of their earnings to government.

25% Max !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kobe Bryant will owe the government nearly $14 million after the Los Angeles superstar receives a $24,363,044 payment from the team on Friday as part of his contract.

After factoring in the the top federal marginal rate of 39.6%, the top marginal California state tax rate of 13.3%, and the federal Medicare surtax of 3.8%, Bryant's tax burden is 56.7% before social security taxes.

That means his total tax liability will be just over $13.8 million. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
The irony of him having to bend over and take it in the ass is too perfect.

His manager gets 10-15% off the top. That's a business expense, therefore a write off. The first of many. Suddenly he's down to less than $21000000 for the purpose of taxes. Somehow I don't feel too sorry for his butt-fucking self.
The irony of him having to bend over and take it in the ass is too perfect.

His manager gets 10-15% off the top. That's a business expense, therefore a write off. The first of many. Suddenly he's down to less than $21000000 for the purpose of taxes. Somehow I don't feel too sorry for his butt-fucking self. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Yea right. He deserves to pay 13.3% extra. Remember the time he bent that young girl over the back of the sofa. Slide his python up her wazoo, raped her and got off scott free. Fuck him he can stay in California...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I guess you just understand the word "principal".
Guest123018-4's Avatar
So they are going to take that money and blow it on a beauracracy where little will actually be invested inthe community.
In the end we end up with fewer private sector jobs that would pay taxes to the government and instead use taxes to pay federal workers that will pay back a portion of the taxes that were collected from somebody else.
Remeber all money paid out by the government is either tax dollars or borrowed money that will have to be paid back in tax dollars.

This is somethng you liberals fail to understand. The bigger the government the les real tax dollars come in to the government. All taxes collected as the result of government spending is just moving it from one pocket to the other.

Allow people to keep[ more of their own money and they will spend or invest it and it will actually create a higher revenue because all of the taxes will be new tax dollars.

Liberals love to punish the achievers and support the under achievers.
Sooner or later you will run out of other peoples money.
pyramider's Avatar
Yea right. He deserves to pay 13.3% extra. Remember the time he bent that young girl over the back of the sofa. Slide his python up her wazoo, raped her and got off scott free. Fuck him he can stay in California... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

Oh he did not get off "scott free." If memory serves me he paid off the girl in question, lost millions in endorsement deals, and bought his wife a $4.8 million ring plus some properties in her name. Kobe did avoid a criminal record but he did not get off "scott free."

Butt you are right with the " Fuck him he can stay in California."
chefnerd's Avatar
Yeah, he's in a high tax bracket, but Breitbart did not exactly get it accurate. It's actually around $12.6 million. He pays a 0.9% medicare surtax on most of it, not 3.8%. The 3.8% is on net investment income over $250K, not on wages.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
So they are going to take that money and blow it on a beauracracy where little will actually be invested inthe community.
In the end we end up with fewer private sector jobs that would pay taxes to the government and instead use taxes to pay federal workers that will pay back a portion of the taxes that were collected from somebody else.
Remeber all money paid out by the government is either tax dollars or borrowed money that will have to be paid back in tax dollars.

This is somethng you liberals fail to understand. The bigger the government the les real tax dollars come in to the government. All taxes collected as the result of government spending is just moving it from one pocket to the other.

Allow people to keep[ more of their own money and they will spend or invest it and it will actually create a higher revenue because all of the taxes will be new tax dollars.

Liberals love to punish the achievers and support the under achievers.
Sooner or later you will run out of other peoples money. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
So the governments of the U.K., Australia, Germany, Japan, et. al. are all run by liberals???