Venezuelan healthcare system on verge of collapse...

They had the "progressive" agenda.

They had the single payer (government).

They had the "progressive" politician, Chavez, to protect "the people" from all those profit-making companies.

They even had oil revenues to fund their system.

And now they can't even treat glaucoma cases:

"I feel like I've been abandoned," Gonzalez, 37, tells a bright-eyed hospital psychologist trying to boost her morale. Her right eye is swollen by glaucoma diagnosed two years ago but left untreated when she had trouble getting an appointment."

Two years to treat something that requires quick response before the eye pressure does too much damage to the patient's vision.

So, I guess it isn't just the patients with minor illnesses that are on wait lists.
Well that's a shame they don't have better Healthcare. Especially when it comes to treating something easy such as Glaucoma. They claim one of the best treatments comes from nature.
