Why Does President Obama Do This?


I don't get it. We all learned The Gettysburg Address in school, every word is riveting.

So why, when all of the other Presidents chose to recite the Speech exactly as President Lincoln delivered it, did President Obama choose to leave out the words "under God"?

And why did he do the same when he spoke of our Declaration of Independence?

There has to be a reason.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-19-2013, 06:06 PM

I don't get it. We all learned The Gettysburg Address in school, every word is riveting.

So why, when all of the other Presidents chose to recite the Speech exactly as President Lincoln delivered it, did President Obama choose to leave out the words "under God"?

And why did he do the same when he spoke of our Declaration of Independence?

There has to be a reason. Originally Posted by Jackie S
hell, he's gun shy ... every word the man utters the right gives him hell ,,, even the ones he doesn't utter

I don't get it. We all learned The Gettysburg Address in school, every word is riveting.

So why, when all of the other Presidents chose to recite the Speech exactly as President Lincoln delivered it, did President Obama choose to leave out the words "under God"?

And why did he do the same when he spoke of our Declaration of Independence?

There has to be a reason. Originally Posted by Jackie S
It's obvious, he's a Muslim...

Snort Snick
Snort Snick Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I know Donk, it SUCKS when you run out of material...

I don't get it. We all learned The Gettysburg Address in school, every word is riveting.

So why, when all of the other Presidents chose to recite the Speech exactly as President Lincoln delivered it, did President Obama choose to leave out the words "under God"?

And why did he do the same when he spoke of our Declaration of Independence?

There has to be a reason. Originally Posted by Jackie S
ODS. Why does it get so far up your ass that he omitted some words from one version of the speech that was written. Everything I've read indicates Ken Burns asked him to read this version. Why does it bother you so much? I mean, besides the fact that you despise the man and would find fault in anything he did, no matter what it was.

Get over it. Maybe you're the one with the problem and not Obama....ever consider it?
ODS. Why does it get so far up your ass that he omitted some words from one version of the speech that was written. Everything I've read indicates Ken Burns asked him to read this version. Why does it bother you so much? I mean, besides the fact that you despise the man and would find fault in anything he did, no matter what it was.

Get over it. Maybe you're the one with the problem and not Obama....ever consider it? Originally Posted by timpage
HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! ......

ODS. Why does it get so far up your ass that he omitted some words from one version of the speech that was written. Everything I've read indicates Ken Burns asked him to read this version. Why does it bother you so much? I mean, besides the fact that you despise the man and would find fault in anything he did, no matter what it was.

Get over it. Maybe you're the one with the problem and not Obama....ever consider it? Originally Posted by timpage
That's not a very civil reply.

That is not a "version". The Gettysburg Address is what it is, a Historical Document. So is the Declaration of Independence.

So I ask again. Why did President Obama choose to change the wording?
Over 30 celebrities (and all living presidents) have read the speech for Ken Burns...Obama is the first to omit "God"....it was a purposeful omission...Same way he sanitized The Declaration of Independence reference he invoked at his 2 nd inauguration.

Obama read the Nicolay draft version....not the final text Lincoln delivered...not the official text!
Over 30 celebrities (and all living presidents) have read the speech for Ken Burns...Obama is the first to omit "God"....it was a purposeful omission...Same way he sanitized The Declaration of Independence reference he invoked at his 2 nd inauguration. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
For the love of God. Get your nose out of the right-wing echo chamber's attack on Obama regarding the fucking Gettysburg Address.

Just a quick check: Anybody remember anybody criticizing any other President for not paying appropriate attention top the G-Burg address? This is a Fox News creation....President Obama being held to a double standard when no other President other than Taft went to Gettysburg to celebrate the address.

It is ODS. Fucking lunatics.
For the love of God. Get your nose out of the right-wing echo chamber's attack on Obama regarding the fucking Gettysburg Address.

Just a quick check: Anybody remember anybody criticizing any other President for not paying appropriate attention top the G-Burg address? This is a Fox News creation....President Obama being held to a double standard when no other President other than Taft went to Gettysburg to celebrate the address.

It is ODS. Fucking lunatics. Originally Posted by timpage
Yeah, that's when you know they are reaching. No other President has gone, including their beloved Reagan...

Yet, for some reason, it's an issue now...

I wonder why.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 11-19-2013, 10:21 PM
Obama is a Christian and a good family man. Give him some credit, please.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Bert, it isn't going to happen with this bunch of howler monkeys!
I know Donk, it SUCKS when you run out of material... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
ODS. Why does it get so far up your ass that he omitted some words from one version of the speech that was written. Everything I've read indicates Ken Burns asked him to read this version. Why does it bother you so much? I mean, besides the fact that you despise the man and would find fault in anything he did, no matter what it was.

Get over it. Maybe you're the one with the problem and not Obama....ever consider it? Originally Posted by timpage
Okay, so Ken Burns, who hasn't done anything relevent or entertaining in many years, asks the most powerful man in the world (sorry Vlad) to fundamentally change a critical document and he does it. He does it! Doesn't this guy make any decisions on his own? What power does Ken Burns have over Obama? Why does Obama celebrate Ramadan? Why doesn't Obama properly salute the Star Spangled Banner? So many dots but how do you connect them? Lets remember that it was Ken Burns who compared Obama to Abraham Lincoln.