I know the abortion debate has been done to death, but damn I'd be genuinely interested in the defense offered for what you will see.

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I left the link as I found it. It is literally what it says.
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I left the link as I found it. It is literally what it says. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
I couldn't even watch all the pics . I believe in the right for a person to choose whatever, BUT I just don't see how a person with any common since can say that it's morally ok to terminate a pregnancy at any stage. Once conceived, if you leave it alone, in 9 to 10 months there will be a fully developed person. if that is stopped, it's called killing.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-19-2013, 07:35 PM
Once conceived, if you leave it alone, in 9 to 10 months there will be a fully developed person. if that is stopped, it's called killing. Originally Posted by ladylove12
10 months? Never heard of one going that long!

Listen up Ms. KnowItAll. Just because you call killing a fucking couple of cells after the first day of conception with the morning after pill murder, don't make it so for all. If you want to pop out 20 kids, have at it (don't ask me to pay for the fuckers though) but quit telling other folks who like to fuck and may have had unprotected sex in a night of passion that they have to pop out those two cells. This is the God Damn real world and in the real world outlawing early term abortion or the morning after pill means a whole shit load of unwanted kids being born to folks not ready to raise them. They grow up with two strikes against them and mostly wind up on the wrong side of the law and then folks like me gotta pay for their stint in prison because righteous well meaning real life dumbshits think two God Damn cell are a fucking human being.

Rant over.
Iam not really an advocate of Abortion, but if you really look at it deep down any women who wants to have an Abortion in my opinion is broadcasting that she wouldn't be a good mother anyway. She also isn't considerate enough to go full term and then put the child up for adoption. What might be worse than a terminated pregnancy is a child brought into this world that realizes he/she wasn't wanted in the first place.
Iam not really an advocate of Abortion, but if you really look at it deep down any women who wants to have an Abortion in my opinion is broadcasting that she wouldn't be a good mother anyway. She also isn't considerate enough to go full term and then put the child up for adoption. What might be worse than a terminated pregnancy is a child brought into this world that realizes he/she wasn't wanted in the first place. Originally Posted by acp5762
A typically stupid response by you.

There are tens of thousands of women who have had an abortion and then went on to bear a child, or children, who they were fine mothers to. You're an idiot for posting otherwise. There are multiple reasons why a woman might choose to have a legal abortion, none of which you would be likely, or able, to understand because you are a man....who doesn't have to carry or deliver the child, and who can choose to leave or stay to support the child.

But, then....that's the kind of shit that always gets lost in the mix isn't it?
10 months? Never heard of one going that long!

Listen up Ms. KnowItAll. Just because you call killing a fucking couple of cells after the first day of conception with the morning after pill murder, don't make it so for all. If you want to pop out 20 kids, have at it (don't ask me to pay for the fuckers though) but quit telling other folks who like to fuck and may have had unprotected sex in a night of passion that they have to pop out those two cells. This is the God Damn real world and in the real world outlawing early term abortion or the morning after pill means a whole shit load of unwanted kids being born to folks not ready to raise them. They grow up with two strikes against them and mostly wind up on the wrong side of the law and then folks like me gotta pay for their stint in prison because righteous well meaning real life dumbshits think two God Damn cell are a fucking human being.

Rant over. Originally Posted by WTF
If you never heard of a woman going into her 10th month or being a month or a few weeks late, then you sure aren't Mr knowitall because they can "go that long". I hear all that you talk about, but it's all just selfishness. Your talking about a life. You're talking all that shit because you didn't get aborted, but I bet if you ask people that were adopted at birth and are adults now if they are glad they weren't aborted, they would say he'll yes. ANYTHING YOU LEAVE ALONE AND IT TURNS INTO A HUMAN WAS A HUMAN IN SOME FORM FROM THE START.
A typically stupid response by you.

There are tens of thousands of women who have had an abortion and then went on to bear a child, or children, who they were fine mothers to. You're an idiot for posting otherwise. There are multiple reasons why a woman might choose to have a legal abortion, none of which you would be likely, or able, to understand because you are a man....who doesn't have to carry or deliver the child, and who can choose to leave or stay to support the child.

But, then....that's the kind of shit that always gets lost in the mix isn't it? Originally Posted by timpage
A woman does have a right to choose. the choice made is the problem. Most women make that choice out of selfishness. I I I, you can have all the bareback sex you want, but be responsible for your actions. It's a life, not the fucking CLAP
A woman does have a right to choose. the choice made is the problem. Most women make that choice out of selfishness. I I I, you can have all the bareback sex you want, but be responsible for your actions. It's a life, not the fucking CLAP Originally Posted by ladylove12
Selfishness or stupidity. Scream about responsibility as much as you like....if we could legislate responsibility and force those responsible to be responsible, the problem would be solved. But, we can't quite do that can we?

So....we're left with unwanted children that those like you refuse to take responsibility for when the parents they were born to are forced to have those children because of your high ground moralistic pretensions. Which end when the child is born. Fuck you.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Ain't nothing like high and mighty moralizing from people who, well...

Fucking hypocrites! (And anybody else, for that matter...)
Selfishness or stupidity. Scream about responsibility as much as you like....if we could legislate responsibility and force those responsible to be responsible, the problem would be solved. But, we can't quite do that can we?

So....we're left with unwanted children that those like you refuse to take responsibility for when the parents they were born to are forced to have those children because of your high ground moralistic pretensions. Which end when the child is born. Fuck you. Originally Posted by timpage
Number one, asshole, I've been personally taking care of someone elses kid since I was17 and I used to have half the kids on my block at my apt because I used to try and cook or would buy food for my brother and cousin and would share with any kids hungry on the block. So Fuck You you evil bastardly.
Ain't nothing like high and mighty moralizing from people who, well...

Fucking hypocrites! (And anybody else, for that matter...) Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It's not moralizing, it's not agreeing with someone stopping the human life process once it is started. My parents sucked, but I'll be damned if I'm not glad as Fuck to be alive. We don't say shit about taking care of other countries with all the money we send all over the would to countries that don't even like us, but we cry about helping American babies. Crazy.
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  • WTF
  • 11-19-2013, 09:15 PM
If you never heard of a woman going into her 10th month or being a month or a few weeks late, then you sure aren't Mr knowitall because they can "go that long". I hear all that you talk about, but it's all just selfishness. Your talking about a life. You're talking all that shit because you didn't get aborted, but I bet if you ask people that were adopted at birth and are adults now if they are glad they weren't aborted, they would say he'll yes. ANYTHING YOU LEAVE ALONE AND IT TURNS INTO A HUMAN WAS A HUMAN IN SOME FORM FROM THE START. Originally Posted by ladylove12
10 month terms and little unwanted bastards they grow up to be the apple of your eyes. The god damn jails are full of them. You a Kayla still believe in Santa and the Easter Bunny.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why does your choice have to apply to everybody?

You whine about protecting your freedom but want to restrict others.

I think that's great that you nanny the neighborhood. But that's your choice. And it doesn't make you an expert on anything germane to this discussion. Sorry, lady. That's the truth.
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  • WTF
  • 11-19-2013, 09:21 PM
You realize that LovingKayla wants the Muslims to have more babies so she can kill them with a gun instead of a hoover vac. That bitch is cold when it comes to the Muzzies. The Jews better hope she never turn on them!
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 11-19-2013, 10:13 PM
Number one, asshole, I've been personally taking care of someone elses kid since I was17 and I used to have half the kids on my block at my apt because I used to try and cook or would buy food for my brother and cousin and would share with any kids hungry on the block. So Fuck You you evil bastardly. Originally Posted by ladylove12
Do you support orphanages in place of abortion? Do guys like WTF who support abortion have to pay for the orphanages?
Have you read Oliver Twist?