Date: 18 NOV 13
Provider: NONE
Phone: -
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: WACO
State: Texas
Address: LA SALLE
Appointment Type: Strip Club
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: -
Activities: NONE
Session Length: -
Fee: $8
Hair Length and Color: -
Age: -
Smoking Status: -
Ethnic Background: -
Physical Description: ONE 8 MAYBE BUT STUCK UP AND MAYBE 5 3'S.....
Recommendation: No
Thanks for the review.
Since no activities took place this does not qualify as a review under our guidelines. Moved to Coed so all can discuss.

Guest062716's Avatar
Thanks for sharing your experience, but as an FYI, this is not a review. There is no provider and you had no BCD activities.

The post is most welcome, but belongs in CoEd discussion.

Hope you have a better time next time you are in Waco on business.


Guest062716's Avatar
Oops. looks like SpaceMtn reached the same conclusion as I did, while I had my screen open last night. I was NOT trying to repeat the mods, his post was not showing when I wrote my post. Sorry for the unintended redundancy.