Well here it is again,,, the holiday season. Damn!

We are fastly approaching my least favorite time of the year, yes Thanksgiving and Christmas. I'm being invaded next week by my loving brides family. Remember cousin Eddie from the Christmas Vacation movie ? I have at least three Eddies showing up next week, along with there offspring. One of the children in particular is a chunky little human wrecking ball. He will have my entire house knocked down by the time I loan them money for gas to go home.

When the topic of conversation somehow moves away from Nascar or Duck Dynasty, the whole group will be happy to spend hours offering me free business advice, and suggestions on making my place look better. They will tell me all of the cool plans they have for there trailer house and the old junk car they plan to fix into a hot rod.

Aside from all of the fun with family, I have the business side to look forward too. Passing out hams to my ungrateful employees at Thanksgiving, and the bonuses at Christmas. All of them will want extra days off so they can go fuck up some out of town relatives holidays. Christmas and New Years both fall on Wednesday this year, which means I will have two totally unproductive weeks at the end of the year.
Why is Thanksgiving on a fucking Thursday? How about moving that to Friday or Saturday so I can conduct business.

The worst of all this is the girls I see. The kids are out of school and they have no babysitter, or there brother popped into town and they can't get away, or they text out of the blue wanting help buying an Xbox 360 or some damn thing. If they're in college they go home for a week or two . Any way you slice it I wind up having to work really hard to schedule my normal activities.

Is it any wonder that suicide rates and crime are high during the holidays?
Ok, my rant is over. I hope everyone has a joyous holiday season and all of there dreams come true.
Elgato69's Avatar

I have had the pleasure of meeting some of Smitty's friend. They are going to be upset with you Smitty since you have not dug out the pond yet.
Its the one time of year that everything and I mean everything is crazy...all of the holidays should be weekends so schedules can be conducted as normal...
capitan1962's Avatar
Well Smith I am right down the road if you need to escape the chaos for a little while. I will be home Wednesday and have a good stockpile of that beer from the DR I like so much.
capitan1962's Avatar
Just this morning I was planning on seeing a girl at her place, but guess what? Yep, her kids are out of school and I have to rent a room or go to plan B. Damn holidays!
capitan1962's Avatar
Just this morning I was planning on seeing a girl at her place, but guess what? Yep, her kids are out of school and I have to rent a room or go to plan B. Damn holidays! Originally Posted by Mr. Smith111

I have cold beer Smith, you know where it is.