cute brunette

Has anyone seen this girl?

She's definitely a cutie, but I haven't seen any information about her online.
Swordmaster69's Avatar
Wow that 1st picture is memorable....but the others look like someone different.
Guest062716's Avatar
Unique and/or Lisa have posted on Killeen BP 4 times in the past two months.

305-962-2106 is Miami, FLA phone number. It is also tied to a Jordan on an adult dating site. It is also tied to Candy as well as Laura.

19 yr old white girl and 24 yr old black girl posting with same 2106 phone number.

Unique's (white girl) pics don't seem to show up any place other than the BP ads in Killeen.

Lisa's pics (black girl) show up other places with other names, other ages and other numbers.

In Phoenix she is Carmen 440-654-9082

Under this number 909-362-9783, Her pic shows up with 83 other photos (different girls) in 3 west coast states.

All of this is enough to make me pass.

Google is your friend.
