going to make for an akward I DO.....

  • m2244
  • 08-29-2010, 06:39 PM
okay....so my best friend who just so happens to be a I guess you would say a retired provider now, but was full out then went UTR.....anyway she calls me three days ago and says "will you be my maid of honor" I was a little confused considering her on again off again bf and her well i thought were off......lol.....but of course i said yes and asked when she wanted the wedding, she responds with Tuesday!....I said ARE YOU KIDDING ME! your giving four days notice hmmmm.....Its okay though they have their schooling reasons for needing to make it happen fast.....moving on.....I said okay well let me see what i can do here.....lucky for her I'm very creative and fast planning so I got a bachelor/bacherlette dual party together in 24 hrs and had it last night....they said no dancers over and over so i agreed and didn't get any.....towards the end of the night she looks over at me at the bar and says i want one thing for our wedding present from you besides all this that you've done already and i said sure anything........she responds with " will you strip for me and him(being her husband to be)I literally almost fell off my chair. Well to say the least i think they ended up with a dancer, just didn't think it would be me lol.....going to be pretty funny looking at them say I do knowing I was his and her first and last dance ....thought you guys would find this entertaining
sunfish's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I will not marry just to see you dance-n-strip. But I would pay for a show.

And are you sure they will not kidnap you. Have fun on the honeymoon!!