To whom it may concern.

First a very special thank you to those who reached out. Secondly I am doing fine. Things that occurred were due to someone from Bp reporting me to that hotline on there as underage and the FBI was who got involved. Slightly recognized the number (or so I thought) & was a guy saying he had spent time with me before but it has been awhile. Location given. Man showed up was not who I suspected it to be. Tried to leave before anything happened and his phone rang at the same time there's a knock on the door & went himself to open it and in come the rest of the FBI detectives or whatever. They tell me they are there because someone reported me as underage and even after they see my id they still didn't believe me. Once they finally realized that I'm 19 they knew I wasn't old enough to get the room so they took my phone went through my messages. Text the guy who had got the room for me acting as me saying I lost the room key can you come back and get me another. He did and they arrested him. No he is not my "manager". "Pimp", "bodyguard" or anything. The guy is a cna and I really hate that they did that because that may affect his job and may get his cna licensed taken away from him. He's been a good friend of mine since before I even got into this type of hobby. I'm not old enough to get rooms that's why I'm mostly available on out calls but occasionally he has gotten a few rooms for me and this time things went sour! So to all whom it may concern..I am ok..I will be available shortly. Hopefully after all the ice & things clear! That is if you guys would still love to see me here. I hope so! Hope to hear from you all soon!

- YourFavFlavor
Sonoman's Avatar
Geez, life lessons sometimes just happen. Much to be learned here.
Trinity Kane's Avatar
It's time you learn the proper screening practices of Eccie. I'm sorry that this happened to you but you must be more careful. This isn't a game and shit can get very real very fast sweetie. BP is a LE trap anyway. Good Luck and Happy Holidays

You can PM me if you like. I don't wanna see this happen to you again. You're to young and to pretty to go back to that awful place.
scooter's Avatar
Also Why I like my secure and its mine...scoot
Yes. Some lessons are that way in life.

Trinity- thank you very much for your concern! I appreciate that very much along with your offer! It means a great deal to me! I will be PM'ing you shortly!

Scoot - maybe one day I may be able to visit.
New to this since last week. Can anyone tell me how to get references? Life lesson learned from YFF experience. Just trying to stay in the game fairly and safely.
Trinity Kane's Avatar
New to this since last week. Can anyone tell me how to get references? Life lesson learned from YFF experience. Just trying to stay in the game fairly and safely. Originally Posted by pogomo
Yes. There are newbie friendly providers here on Eccie. You can gain refs with them or it is also recommended for you to get a preferred411 account. If you can pass their screening process and are willing to provide the information they require to do so. Good luck.
Thanks for the info T.K.!!!!