Harry Reid stands up to Whitehouse...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
and ends up in the hospital within a day. 26 democrats and republican senators have put together a bill increasing sanctions on Iran. Harry Reid okay'd this bill but the White House does not like it.

In a White House speech Obama himself said that now is not the time to put pressure on Iran. That when negoiating with someone you let up on the pressure to make the other person (that would be Iran) feel comfortable. Apparently Obama has never negoiated with anyone in his life. He just dictates when he has the high ground. We have a hold of Iran's ball sack and should apply more pressure until THEY cave.

I'm curious about which side our lefties will go. Will they follow Reid and more sanctions or Obama and let the terrorist supporting, hostage taking, EID building Iranians go.


WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-20-2013, 05:07 PM
Much ado about nothing. The mantra to most of your posts!
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 12-20-2013, 08:39 PM
I think it is smart to make friends with Iran. Why do we want anymore enemies than we already have? Why do we want all these wars, including the stupid ones? (nod to COG) Let's make friends with everyone like Switzerland does, and opt for self-defense only. If the other countries are run by thugs and murderers, they will ultimately answer to God, anyway.
I think it is smart to make friends with Iran. Why do we want anymore enemies than we already have? Why do we want all these wars, including the stupid ones? (nod to COG) Let's make friends with everyone like Switzerland does, and opt for self-defense only. If the other countries are run by thugs and murderers, they will ultimately answer to God, anyway. Originally Posted by Bert Jones
Just a tad naive there Bert.

All of the Despots of the World just love people like you.

But for the benefit of the doubt, ok, let's meet with Iran. The first agenda on the table is they cease with that idiotic notion that everybody who does not worship their God should die an infidel's death.

Good luck.
What ever Valarie wants.. don't y'all know?
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 12-21-2013, 07:03 AM
Just a tad naive there Bert.

All of the Despots of the World just love people like you.

But for the benefit of the doubt, ok, let's meet with Iran. The first agenda on the table is they cease with that idiotic notion that everybody who does not worship their God should die an infidel's death.

Good luck. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I really don't mind if they think everyone who doesn't believe in their false god should die an infidel's death as long as they don't conduct any acts to achieve that goal.
I really don't mind if they think everyone who doesn't believe in their false god should die an infidel's death as long as they don't conduct any acts to achieve that goal. Originally Posted by Bert Jones
Where in lies the problem.

The religious leaders of Iran have the ability to convince their followers that death in the service of Allah is their ticket to paradise. Taking out as many "infidels" as possible is a big bonus.

And they have millions of willing " followers".
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 12-21-2013, 08:15 AM
Where in lies the problem.

The religious leaders of Iran have the ability to convince their followers that death in the service of Allah is their ticket to paradise. Taking out as many "infidels" as possible is a big bonus.

And they have millions of willing "followers". Originally Posted by Jackie S
OK, let's say you are right. Why make an enemy of people willing to die and kill you? Let Russia and Europe worry about them, and quit pricking them with the needle of the drone. The Muslims here appear to be non violent and interested in capitalism, not religious extremism. By the way, they define an infidel as an unbeliever. As a Christian, I get a pass - as do religious Jews, believe it or not.
More pre-911 thinking. Just bow before their god, send a check and you can continue to live...the way they want you to live.

Naive doesn't begin to cover it.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 12-21-2013, 09:47 AM
More pre-911 thinking. Just bow before their god, send a check and you can continue to live...the way they want you to live.

Naive doesn't begin to cover it. Originally Posted by gnadfly
You solution is continuous war - not so preferable to the idea of peace with someone who wants to kill you but is limited in their ability to do so. We haven't had anymore 9-11's since the implementation of stricter security - probably a billion passengers have flown since then. Drunk white drivers kill more people in a couple of months than the terrorists who flew into the twin towers did.
lustylad's Avatar
Let's make friends with everyone like Switzerland does, and opt for self-defense only. If the other countries are run by thugs and murderers, they will ultimately answer to God, anyway. Originally Posted by Bert Jones
Wow. As gnadfly said, "Naive doesn't even begin to cover it." This isn't just pre-9/11 thinking, it's pre-Pearl Harbor. Ho hum, so what if Hitler killed 30 million, Stalin wiped out another 25 million, etc.? No need to stop these maniacs when they go on their genocidal rampages. God will hold them accountable in the afterlife. Yeah, you can take solace from that thought if you are one of their millions of victims.

Does BJ really think like this? Wow.

The world is much smaller today and isolationism is even less of an option than in the 1930s. Does anyone take a long view of history anymore? We will eventually look back on our failure to stop Iran's march to nuclear weapons in the same way as we look back today on our failure to stop Hitler's occupation of the Sudetanland in 1938.

It is patently obvious after 5 years of watching Odumbo that the guy cannot negotiate effectively with anyone, either at home or abroad. If he had any Machiavellian traits he would secretly tell Congress to go ahead and pass the delayed sanctions bill while he publicly opposes it, then shrug and tell the Iranians he doesn't control what Congress does. But we all know Odumbo ain't that clever.

Although I would never trade our economy or military with the Russians, I would trade Obama for Putin in a heartbeat in terms of diplomatic negotiating savvy.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You solution is continuous war - not so preferable to the idea of peace with someone who wants to kill you but is limited in their ability to do so. We haven't had anymore 9-11's since the implementation of stricter security - probably a billion passengers have flown since then. Drunk white drivers kill more people in a couple of months than the terrorists who flew into the twin towers did. Originally Posted by Bert Jones
You're ignorantly ignoring April 15 in Boston, BJ. "Surrendering" to Islamic extremism isn't a solution, BJ, it's economic and political suicide.
More pre-911 thinking. Just bow before their god, send a check and you can continue to live...the way they want you to live.

Naive doesn't begin to cover it. Originally Posted by gnadfly

And after they attack us hold their hand and get them out of our country.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 12-21-2013, 12:44 PM
You're ignorantly ignoring April 15 in Boston, BJ. "Surrendering" to Islamic extremism isn't a solution, BJ, it's economic and political suicide.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
When did I say surrender? We either kill them or they kill us, is that your viewpoint, implied though not explicitly stated? You people will use any excuse to keep the war machine running. Why are we responsible for the mess in the Middle East, and why should we stop slaughter around the world if God allows it to happen?
LexusLover's Avatar
You solution is continuous war - ... . Originally Posted by Bert Jones
The only reason this country has "continuous wars" is because there exists a large section of our society who are unwilling to assert sufficient military power to decisively terminate the opposition's will in the least amount of time our implements can dispel the enemies enthusiasm and taste for confrontation.

Feeding the beast only strengthens the beast and increases its addiction to the feeding.