Ladies - What did Buffalo do wrong?

Since we really did hijack Faith's previous thread, it makes sense to separate to a new one. I would enjoy seeing some participation from our fine ladies on what the Buffalo "gentlemen" need to do on a whole to raise our game so to speak. Unlike specific provider reviews, in general what has been happening to you on previous visits? I can only hope that if there are specific, repeat offenders that they are taken care of in the back channel so to speak.
Thanks in advance!
Personally, my reasons for not visiting Buffalo were not based on an individual or one specific thing that had happened. Typically I sit down every Sunday and plan the upcoming week. Every single week my inbox would be full of travel requests from everywhere, except for Buffalo. That is why I stopped going to Buffalo. I simply go where the demand is. I will definitely not rule out Buffalo for the future if the demand is great enough. I really hope this helps.
request # 1. im sure about 1 million will follow
Request here, I would LOVE to meet u!!
Make that three
come on guys that aint gonna do it. to get a woman of this quality to come to our fair city there sould be 103 responses by now. i dont know if it takes 6-7 firm commitments to get her up here but if buffalo wants a provider of this quality to visit our city guys have to step up. if you dont think its worth the effort ck out the buffalo craigslist or backpage then add yourself to this request line.
I would like to see Gabrielle in Buffalo.
Absolutely, my request is filed!
cnym's Avatar
  • cnym
  • 01-18-2010, 02:56 PM
You guys should be happy that Gabrielle is willing to visit Buffalo. I know that we in Syracuse would be very happy when she posts her availability in Syracuse.
  • Chloe
  • 01-18-2010, 09:25 PM
I want to see Gabrielle in Buffalo lol It is hard for me to go out that way lately but I have been getting many inquiries . . . maybe some planning will be needed!
I'm one of the lucky ones to vist with Gabrielle,If you boys had any sence,
the thruway will have to be repaved. Make the drive hear it's an hour!!
I think Chloe and Gabrielle should come to syracuse together....just an idea....Buffalo too.
I like that thinking SM.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 01-19-2010, 11:58 AM
[ame=""]Availability - ECCIE - Your source for escort reviews[/ame]

You guys got half of your wish!
yankee13's Avatar
gabrielle is a cutie i would love to see her on the next buffalo trip