Another fuck up that can be laid at Obama's door

JD Barleycorn's Avatar

A train carrying crude oil is burning in North Dakota. A town has been evacuated. The Keystone Pipeline would have carried that crude instead a train, trucks, and hot air ballon. That is the point of the pipeline. So now property is lost, oil is lost, and towns people must leave their homes. Thank you Big O.
JD you are the biggest hate monger on the board now. If your neighbors dog pisses on your leg you will blame Obama.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 12-31-2013, 07:00 AM

A train carrying crude oil is burning in North Dakota. A town has been evacuated. The Keystone Pipeline would have carried that crude instead a train, trucks, and hot air ballon. That is the point of the pipeline. So now property is lost, oil is lost, and towns people must leave their homes. Thank you Big O. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Why not blame Warren Buffet, who owns that railroad?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The argument was advanced last year that the pipeline was environmently safer. This is the proof. Deal with reality. Oh, the members of House and the Senate would pass it if it came to a vote so it is only Obama and the Big Environment that stand in the way. This IS their fault because it didn't have to happen.
JD Idiot, give us a call when the Presidential "fuck up" results in 4500+ American deaths at a cost of $1 trillion.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
JDIdiot telling anyone to deal with reality. That's April Fools shit, not Happy New Years shit.

Does anybody else find it unusual that the biggest haters on the board are also the worst debaters? Hating on the "Big Environment" now.

By your logic, you could have been prevented, too, had abortion been legal when your mother whelped you, JD. So your very existence is a Congressional Fuckup and can be laid directly on the feet of Eisenhower.
The argument was advanced last year that the pipeline was environmently safer. This is the proof. Deal with reality. Oh, the members of House and the Senate would pass it if it came to a vote so it is only Obama and the Big Environment that stand in the way. This IS their fault because it didn't have to happen. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

JD doesn't believe in states rights so the ones not wanting the pipeline have no say in it.

A train carrying crude oil is burning in North Dakota. A town has been evacuated. The Keystone Pipeline would have carried that crude instead a train, trucks, and hot air ballon. That is the point of the pipeline. So now property is lost, oil is lost, and towns people must leave their homes. Thank you Big O. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You'd blame a lightning strike on Obama and not think twice about it Admiral Dunce. Must lay awake at night wondering how you can top the last stupid thing you posted.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-31-2013, 01:00 PM

A train carrying crude oil is burning in North Dakota. A town has been evacuated. The Keystone Pipeline would have carried that crude instead a train, trucks, and hot air ballon. That is the point of the pipeline. So now property is lost, oil is lost, and towns people must leave their homes. Thank you Big O. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
do you actually have any idea how many pipelines we have in this country ? One more would have saved the day

apparently, crossing over North Dakota without crossing over a pipeline is next to impossible.

JD, the quintessential idiot, and resident doomsday'er.

Thank you Big O .
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He probably has no fucking idea. He's from Hubbettsville. A suburb of Dipshittia.

And, we should ALL realize that this lying, disingenuous idiot has been living off of our tax dollars for years.

Yet he bites the dick that feeds him.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 12-31-2013, 04:32 PM
Lot of pipelines in Texas - yowie.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
JD doesn't believe in states rights so the ones not wanting the pipeline have no say in it. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Care to tell us which STATES don't want the pipeline? None is the correct answer. It is the federal government and the environmental lobby that doesn't want it.

Actually the nexus point is in Oklahoma. It divides east/west and north/south.

Didn't someone blame a hurricane on Bush just a couple of days ago?
Care to tell us which STATES don't want the pipeline? None is the correct answer. It is the federal government and the environmental lobby that doesn't want it.

Actually the nexus point is in Oklahoma. It divides east/west and north/south.

Didn't someone blame a hurricane on Bush just a couple of days ago? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Wrong try Nebraska
RedLeg505's Avatar
JD Idiot, give us a call when the Presidential "fuck up" results in 4500+ American deaths at a cost of $1 trillion. Originally Posted by bigtex
So.. according to this... by the end of 2013, the "cost" of the Iraq war was 808.2 BILLION and the cost of the Afganistan war was 641 Billion, so NEITHER President Hiccup (Bush) and fuccup (Obama) have wracked up $1 Trillion in either of their wars. Now.. FUTURE costs, such as VA and disability, etc, etc, etc.. is supposed to total something like $6 TRILLION according to this research group so at just splitting it in two.. President "fuck up" has already achieved the bigtex goal of a war that cost over $1 trillion

Apparently however, 1600 deaths is a "good" thing, or at least, nothing to be concerned about by Liberals. Apparently give tex's citation of the 4500 Americans killed, that's the bad number.. 1600 racked up under Obama is "nothing to worry about.. move along". Funny how that works in liberal land.
So.. according to this... by the end of 2013, the "cost" of the Iraq war was 808.2 BILLION and the cost of the Afganistan war was 641 Billion, so NEITHER President Hiccup (Bush) and fuccup (Obama) have wracked up $1 Trillion in either of their wars. Now.. FUTURE costs, such as VA and disability, etc, etc, etc.. is supposed to total something like $6 TRILLION according to this research group so at just splitting it in two.. President "fuck up" has already achieved the bigtex goal of a war that cost over $1 trillion

Apparently however, 1600 deaths is a "good" thing, or at least, nothing to be concerned about by Liberals. Apparently give tex's citation of the 4500 Americans killed, that's the bad number.. 1600 racked up under Obama is "nothing to worry about.. move along". Funny how that works in liberal land. Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Funny how a demented Tea Sipper's mind works. If a Sipper' determines that the total cost of Dubya/Darth Cheney's ill-conceived and ill-advised Iraq War is slightly less than $1 trillion, it is awarded the Okiehommie seal of approval. The Sipper seems to be perfectly content with chalking up the 4500+ Americans left dead in (Dubya's) War as the cost of doing bidness!

As if that is not enough, the Sipper' then bitches and moans about 1600 American lives "racked up" by the next Administration who had previously stated (during the build up to Dubya's War), that we should not invade Iraq in the first place. With no mention whatsoever with the successor is merely trying to clean up Dubya's catastrophic fuck up, with the least possible damage.

Funny how that works in Tea Sipper land.