Favorite Item for Sensation Play

Gryphon's Avatar
Sensation play is one of my favorite things to do, and I tend to run through a number of different toys during a session.

Which leads me to the question: What is your single favorite toy/tool for sensation play? Mine would have to be a medium-weight flogger with a metal handle--the tails are soft enough to caress/tickle but can still provide some sting, while the handle can be used for temperature play.
DallasRain's Avatar
mmmmmmmmm that sounds yummy fun!!
I like silk scarves and fur best!
toulmin's Avatar
I have to say that I like the estim the most, currently DIY scrotal clips, alternating between Phase 2, Stoke, and Waves on a Erostek 312. Sometimes it approaches pain if the session goes for awhile, but I'm really into the sensuousness levels.
Wartenburg Pinwheel
Favorite Toy? Whoever I'm playing with.

Favorite Tool? My dirty dirty mind.

No seriously, touch. So it'd be skin. Mine, yours, hers, his or, theirs. Ours.
(But I am kinda attached to good ol Icy Hot)

Your mind is a dirty, dirty thing.... Goddess bless you...

You are so hotttttt.

thegj's Avatar
  • thegj
  • 09-06-2010, 12:03 PM
a flogger with a silk scarf attached to the end- in fact several scarfs attached to the opposite end. TO STING OR TEASE- THAT IS THE OPTION!
DallasRain's Avatar
babee--I love your dirty mind!!!!wooohooooo you are Hot!!!