From the same people who brought you the doctored unemployment reports...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
...then new unemployment is supposed to be 6.7%. The problem is that the same report said that the number of jobs created in the same month was a 1/3 of what was expected. As Ann Coulter wrote, liberals can hold diametrically opposed ideas at the same time. However for us thinking conseratives we can look back to 1978 when the job participation was this low. If all those people who have dropped off the radar came back then unemployment would be 11.3%!

Some questions to think about;

If unemployment is going down, then why extend unemployment payouts?

If people coming back into the market would spike unemployment, would a jobs program be in the best interst of the democratic party?

Shouldn't reducing real unemployment be a more important thing that illegal immigration?

If you bring in 11 million more people won't it be harder to find a job?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-10-2014, 02:17 PM
...then new unemployment is supposed to be 6.7%. The problem is that the same report said that the number of jobs created in the same month was a 1/3 of what was expected. As Ann Coulter wrote, liberals can hold diametrically opposed ideas at the same time. However for us thinking conseratives we can look back to 1978 when the job participation was this low. If all those people who have dropped off the radar came back then unemployment would be 11.3%!

Some questions to think about;

If unemployment is going down, then why extend unemployment payouts?

If people coming back into the market would spike unemployment, would a jobs program be in the best interst of the democratic party?

Shouldn't reducing real unemployment be a more important thing that illegal immigration?

If you bring in 11 million more people won't it be harder to find a job? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

if you weren't a moron you wouldn't ask dumb questions that have no answers or have obvious answers.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The answers are there and they are obvious... but you won't like them.

Lets give the other kids a chance to play before I explain.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-10-2014, 02:26 PM
The answers are there and they are obvious... but you won't like them. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

If unemployment is going down, then why extend unemployment payouts?

its a matter of economics that effect the entire country ... you wouldn' t understand ... sorry

If people coming back into the market would spike unemployment, would a jobs program be in the best interst of the democratic party?

interst? really Teach ?

Shouldn't reducing real unemployment be a more important thing that illegal immigration?

real unemployment was reduced ... jobs were ADDED ... study up.

If you bring in 11 million more people won't it be harder to find a job?

...then new unemployment is supposed to be 6.7%. The problem is that the same report said that the number of jobs created in the same month was a 1/3 of what was expected. As Ann Coulter wrote, liberals can hold diametrically opposed ideas at the same time. However for us thinking conseratives we can look back to 1978 when the job participation was this low. If all those people who have dropped off the radar came back then unemployment would be 11.3%!

Some questions to think about;

If unemployment is going down, then why extend unemployment payouts?
Because there are still people that are unemployed and need help?
If people coming back into the market would spike unemployment, would a jobs program be in the best interst of the democratic party?
A jobs program would be good for everybody.
Shouldn't reducing real unemployment be a more important thing that illegal immigration?
You're on the side that thinks illegal immigration is more important than unemployment. Conservabots like you spend waaaaay more time carping about illegals than doing things designed to create jobs for Americans.
If you bring in 11 million more people won't it be harder to find a job? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
News flash Admiral: they're already here.
The answers are there and they are obvious... but you won't like them.

Lets give the other kids a chance to play before I explain. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I like my answers just fine.

And you couldn't explain how to spell "cat" if we spotted you the "c".
I B Hankering's Avatar

Because there are still people that are unemployed and need help?

A jobs program would be good for everybody.

You're on the side that thinks illegal immigration is more important than unemployment. Conservabots like you spend waaaaay more time carping about illegals than doing things designed to create jobs for Americans.

News flash Admiral: they're already here.
Originally Posted by timpage
But it's lib-retards like you, Little Timmy-tard, that cannot see how illegals drive down wages and eliminate job opportunities for U.S. citizens leaving them wards of the state, and it is lib-retards like you, Little Timmy-tard, that cannot see how illegals often drive up the social costs associated with public health and education that are paid for by tax paying U.S. citizens.

LexusLover's Avatar
So which is it?

Increase employment or Decrease Illegal Aliens?

It's clear that the Liberals' standard bearer can't chew gum and walk at the same time. Pick one.

Who will bring more votes for the Democrats in the Fall?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-10-2014, 04:13 PM
Who will bring more votes for the Democrats in the Fall?

the republican idiots walking around yammering "the end is near" with every breath
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 01-10-2014, 09:14 PM
But it's lib-retards like you, Little Timmy-tard, that cannot see how illegals drive down wages and eliminate job opportunities for U.S. citizens leaving them wards of the state, and it is lib-retards like you, Little Timmy-tard, that cannot see how illegals often drive up the social costs associated with public health and education that are paid for by tax paying U.S. citizens.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You and Whirlaway are correct. It is a matter of simple economics. When you have 11 million people here willing to work for less wages and benefits, it hurts other poor, unskilled workers who were here first, and have to be taken care of by the government. Even Cesar Chavez opposed illegal immigration, knowing that big business Republicans used it to break the market and pit browns (aka Mexicans) against African-Americans.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Looking at your responses I don't have to do a damn thing to rebutt anything you said or try to embarass you. You did that all by yourselves. Typos? That is your response? You have no answers.
LexusLover's Avatar
If unemployment is going down, then why extend unemployment payouts?... Originally Posted by CJ7
That's why there is a tough time of it ... the bullshit is catching up with them.

They can't beat their chests at what a great job they are doing,

...... and buy more votes for the upcoming election.

Fortunately most people are not as dumb and they believe their base is.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You and Whirlaway are correct. It is a matter of simple economics. When you have 11 million people here willing to work for less wages and benefits, it hurts other poor, unskilled workers who were here first, and have to be taken care of by the government. Even Cesar Chavez opposed illegal immigration, knowing that big business Republicans used it to break the market and pit browns (aka Mexicans) against African-Americans. Originally Posted by Bert Jones
Over 100 years ago, even the AFL's founder Samuel Gompers saw a surplus of immigrants as a problem for American workers. And it's a bit of an overstatement to claim that all big business owners are Republicans, and you ignore the dependency that many Dimretard pols have for "undocumented Dimretards".

The issue is that is getting very little publicity is they are extending emergency unemployment benefits. They, both Republicans and Democrats, have been doing it for 5 years.

Therefore, "emergency" is the "new normal."
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 01-11-2014, 06:57 AM
The issue is that is getting very little publicity is they are extending emergency unemployment benefits. They, both Republicans and Democrats, have been doing it for 5 years.

Therefore, "emergency" is the "new normal." Originally Posted by gnadfly
Yes, that is the new way of looking at things, or the only palatable excuse to get anything done but retain political cover while doing it.