You get the message that your son is dead...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
... he was killed in Afghanistan by enemy forces. Sent there by a president who didn't even believe in the plan of battle. Who didn't believe the goal was worthwhile or achievable. What would you think of Barack Obama if that is what you found out?
... he was killed in Afghanistan by enemy forces. Sent there by a president who didn't even believe in the plan of battle. Who didn't believe the goal was worthwhile or achievable. What would you think of Barack Obama if that is what you found out? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The "plan of battle?" Did you learn that term when you went to Admiral school?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-11-2014, 07:29 AM
... he was killed in Afghanistan by enemy forces. Sent there by a president who didn't even believe in the plan of battle. Who didn't believe the goal was worthwhile or achievable. What would you think of Barack Obama if that is what you found out? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
It is a volunteer service you know.

Maybe as a parent you should have swayed your son into another field. Instead of blaming the President, start looking from within. That is wtf is wrong with this country....always looking for someone to blame and never taking responsibility for your own failures.

That is how the fuc you take politics out of stupid posts like these.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Timmie you are becoming monotonous. You can take a flying fuck at a rolling donut.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
As posted by WTF

That is wtf is wrong with this country....always looking for someone to blame and never taking responsibility for your own failures.

Describes Obama to a T.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
As a parent of a son in the USMC I think that I should be offended by WTF implications of his post as if my son is less of a man, a person, because he chooses to be a Marine.
You have no idea of the motivation behind his voluntary service to our country.
To imply that his choice reflects badly on his parents is a pitiful yet telling indication of your liberal elitist attitude.
You disgust me.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I can imagine the crap that WTF slings but imagine (again) a fire chief who sends a half a dozen men into an inferno even though he believes that they will fail and that the building is not worth saving anyway. His motivation is to look like a hard charger for the press. Men die and he blames their deaths on the former fire chief for not training them correctly.
... he was killed in Afghanistan by enemy forces. Sent there by a president who didn't even believe in the plan of battle. Who didn't believe the goal was worthwhile or achievable. What would you think of Barack Obama if that is what you found out? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

That he listened to his military leaders. Then took their advice.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
That he listened to his military leaders. Then took their advice. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
According to the reports coming about Gates's book that is not true. Remember the surge from 2009? The military had to wait three months for Barry to make a decision and he gave them less than half of what they requested. So they miss the prime fighting season with half strength. Yep, sounds like Barry listens to me.

Yes, you embarassed yourself again Eva.
I knew you would have a excuse for blaming someone in the other party. From reports coming out of a book to be released.
lostincypress's Avatar
Why are we in Afghanistan? Operation Enduring Freedom........12 years 4 months and 3 days.....?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-11-2014, 11:50 AM
JD wouldn't have cared if your son got killed attacking Benghazi so he has NO POINT ...

at present, the rghtwingers want to believe Gates, and the quotes in his book ... when Gates supported the Presidents decision for staying out of Benghazi, Gates was an idiot.

the rights only consistency is their inconsistency, and the reason another Democrat will win the 2016 general election.

keep it up JD, you're the Dems best political tool because YOU'RE A TOOL !!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
JD wouldn't have cared if your son got killed attacking Benghazi so he has NO POINT ...

at present, the rghtwingers want to believe Gates, and the quotes in his book ... when Gates supported the Presidents decision for staying out of Benghazi, Gates was an idiot.

the rights only consistency is their inconsistency, and the reason another Democrat will win the 2016 general election.

keep it up JD, you're the Dems best political tool because YOU'RE A TOOL !! Originally Posted by CJ7

Well CJ, you've reached a new low in this room. Maybe you've even surpassed FuckZup for sheer insult and stupidity. You can go fuck yourself which I am sure that you have plenty of practice for because any woman that knows you wouldn't touch you.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-11-2014, 01:21 PM
Well CJ, you've reached a new low in this room. Maybe you've even surpassed FuckZup for sheer insult and stupidity. You can go fuck yourself which I am sure that you have plenty of practice for because any woman that knows you wouldn't touch you. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

you are a proponent of a Benghazi invasion, and have even gone into great detail how you would carry out the attack ... most attacks like you've described include firefights that involve soldiers on the ground .... care to explain how you would insure
their lives ? .... you are an IDIOT, and the standard for LOW on this board ... you reach a new degree of dumbass on a daily basis.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-11-2014, 01:45 PM
As a parent of a son in the USMC I think that I should be offended by WTF implications of his post as if my son is less of a man, a person, because he chooses to be a Marine.
You have no idea of the motivation behind his voluntary service to our country.
To imply that his choice reflects badly on his parents is a pitiful yet telling indication of your liberal elitist attitude.
You disgust me. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
I can not help it if you're to ignorant to ask for clarification for something I posted.

Go fuck yourself and quit hiding behind your kid while you are at it 2dogs.

Nobody said your son was a less of a man for joining the Marines.

Read the context of JD question and the context of my God Damn answer and quit looking for a reason to get butt hurt.

JD is trying to play 6 degree's of separation by trying to blame everything on Obama. You following right along like a fucking lap dog.

JD sounds like the hard rights version of Cindy Sheehan who blamed Bush on her son's death.

Did you agree with her?

While I feel for a grieving mother that does not mean I am ignorant enough to place the blame on just one person.

So again go fuck yourself and please do not try and use your son ever again to try and discredit me by lying about wtf I posted.